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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

9 years ago

Is Your Search for Perfection Stopping You from Being Happy After 60?

I recently wrote an article on how to be fearless in your 60s. To start, I listed some of the most common fears of women over 60. Then, I asked the women in our community to join the discussion. I was completely overwhelmed by everyone’s responses. Read More

9 years ago

Connecting with Your Inner Child After 60

One of the wonderful things about turning 60 is that you no longer need to please anyone else. Ok, maybe we shouldn’t have been trying to please others for the rest of our life, but, that’s another story! Read More

9 years ago

3 Questions to Ask if You Want to Build a Happy Retirement

Over the years, the concept of “retirement” has changed significantly. Our grandparents could expect to live a decade or so after reaching retirement age. Now, with life expectancy at age 65 almost double what it was when the Social Security Administration was founded in 1935, life after retirement is changing. Read More

9 years ago

Want to Get More from Life After 60? Love, Explore and Create!

Not so long ago, life after 60 was supposed to be a time of “aging gracefully.” After years of productive work, both inside and outside of the office, women were expected to retire to a life of quiet contemplation.

Well, judging by my conversations with the other women in the Sixty and Me community, this really isn’t our generation’s style! Read More

9 years ago

Think You’re Focused? Wait Until You See This Amazing Cat

Most of the time, I think I’m a fairly focused person. Well, that was until I saw this video of an adorable cat with concentration that could bend steel! Talk about keeping his eye on the prize! Read More

9 years ago

The Power of Starting Every Morning with a Positive Attitude

All of us moms are all too familiar with the expression, “waking up on the wrong side of the bed.” When are children are young, it seems like this is a common occurrence as we bribe, threaten and otherwise manipulate our kids to get out of bed and get ready for school. When your kids wake up in a bad mood, everyone suffers. The same goes for adults by the way! Read More

9 years ago

A Simple Lifestyle Reveals a Sophisticated Woman – Finding Happiness After 60

For me, simplicity is a verb. It is about taking action to create a lifestyle that is essential, honest and authentic. It is not about saying “no” to possessions. It is about saying “yes” to the things in life that really matter. Read More

9 years ago

Think You’re Good at Jenga? This Cat Will Prove You Wrong!

I have to be honest. I thought that my 7-year-old granddaughter was amazing at Jenga… until I saw what this cat can do! Check out this short video and you’ll see exactly what I mean. Read More

9 years ago

Words Can’t Describe the Cuteness of this Baby’s Laugh

I’ve always thought that children have a lot to teach older adults about how to get the most from life. From their openness to making friends to their ability to see the miraculous in the mundane, kids offer a unique perspective on the world. Read More

9 years ago

Cat Giving Dog Massage Takes Cuteness to a New Level

I’ve talked before about the power of touch to increase our health and happiness. Well, according to this video, apparently the same is true for animals as well!

Check out this cute video of a cat giving his canine friend a backrub. Read More