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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

8 years ago

5 Mistakes that Stop People from Finding Happiness After 50

If there’s one thing that I have learned since starting Sixty and Me it’s that happiness after 50 is a choice. You can invest in your health, wealth and happiness. Or, you can let yourself go. You can build a solid foundation for the future. Or, you can accept age-related problems as inevitable. Read More

8 years ago

Could the Benefits of Laughter Include Stronger Friendships?

By now, you’re probably heard that the benefits of laughter include stress relief and an increase in positivity. Laughter therapy is even used in some hospitals to reduce pain. But, did you know that laughter may also be able to help you build stronger relationships? It’s true! Let me explain. Read More

8 years ago

Turning 60? It’s Time to Hit the Emotional “Reset” Button

Most of us arrive at our 60th birthday with our fair share of emotional battle scars and relationship bruises. Many of us have been through a divorce. Some of us have lost a loved one. Almost all of us have experienced betrayal, broken trust and dishonesty more times than we care to remember. Read More

8 years ago

Are the Lies You Tell Yourself Killing Your Happiness?

People are wonderfully, frustratingly, mysteriously complex. Over millions of years, we have evolved to do pretty much anything to survive – and, one of our stranger powers is the power of deceit. Read More

8 years ago

Happiness Comes from Chasing Your Passions, Not Other People

There is something about human nature that makes us want to look for simple solutions to complex problems. Feeling out of shape? Join a gym. Not satisfied with your job? Quit and find a new one. Feeling a bit lonely? Just get out there and meet new people.

All of these solutions sound great, but, they are, at best, only partial solutions to our problems. Read More

8 years ago

What 5-Year-Olds Can Teach Us About Life After 50

“Grandma, you’re weird.” That was my granddaughter’s assessment as I stepped off the train in Edinburgh a few weeks ago and planted a kiss on her cheek. As is always the case when spending time with a 5-year old, the next few days were filled with near misses, endless “whys” and unexpected tears – both the good kind the and the bad kind. Read More

8 years ago

Embrace Perseverance and Get More from Life After 60

Have you recently experienced a loss or failed at something that was important to you? Many women have been through a divorce, lost a job, been betrayed, or made a bad financial decision. Almost all of us have failed to achieve goals that we set for ourselves. This is a part of life, but, it doesn’t make the pain any easier to manage. Read More

8 years ago

Recognizing Your True Worth is a Key to Happiness at Any Age

It’s your choice how you present yourself to the world. The way you show up is the way the world sees you – and this becomes the way you see yourself. This perception has everything to do with what you will create today and for the future. Read More

9 years ago

Advice for Reinventing Yourself After 60 from Women Just Like You

When you think about the term “reinventing yourself,” you probably imagine people who made big changes in their lives. You may know people who quit their jobs to start their own businesses. Or, perhaps you remember news stories about sky-diving 90-year-olds or weight-lifters in their 70s. Read More

9 years ago

3 Ways to Find Meaning in Life After 60 – Ideas from the Sixty and Me Community

By the time we reach our 60s, we all have our share of battle scars. Some women have gone through a divorce. Others have children who have grown up and moved to another city, or even country. A significant number have lost a spouse or gone through a serious illness. So, perhaps it’s no surprise that many of us see life after 60 as a time for personal reflection, renewal or even reinvention. Read More