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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

7 years ago

4 Ways Empty Nesters Can Live Full Lives

By the time we reach our 60s, we have had the house to ourselves for a while. But, this doesn’t mean that we have recovered from being empty nesters.

While the emotional sting of watching our kids leave the house and start their own lives fades quickly, the process of reinventing ourselves and finding meaning in our lives is much slower. Read More

7 years ago

Baby Boomers Are Out of Touch with Nature – and It’s Making Us Unhappy

Have you lost touch with nature?

If you are like most people over 60, who spend 90% of their time indoors, the answer is almost certainly “yes”. Is it any surprise that we feel anxious and worn out when our environments are so different than what our bodies and minds were designed for?

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7 years ago

Happiness After 60 Requires Finding the Right Balance Between Caring for Others and Yourself

Our generation is often criticized – unfairly, in my opinion – for being overly self-centered and selfish.

The truth is that we baby boomers have spent our entire lives thinking about the needs of others. We raised families. We fought for women’s rights. We stood up against perceived injustices. In short, we cared about making the world a better place. Read More

7 years ago

Are Everyday Stresses Preventing You from Finding Happiness in Your 60s?

There is a powerful song by David Bowie, called “Under Pressure.” In the song, he sings about those days “when it never rains, but pours.”

What David captures so eloquently is the fact that stress has the potential to overwhelm our defenses and make us feel out of control. When our minds are consumed with worry and stress, positivity becomes a distant dream. Our negative thoughts feed on each other and grow stronger with every cycle. Read More

7 years ago

Baby Boomers Are More Depressed than Other Generations – It’s Time to Fight Back!

Life after 60 is a time of transitions. Our kids have left the home. After decades climbing the corporate ladder, many of us are finding our careers grinding to a halt. Silver divorces are on the rise as many baby boomers re-evaluate their relationships. Read More

7 years ago

Does Happiness Come from Helping Others?

Can helping others really make you happier?

Let’s explore this concept together. Like so many things in life, happiness is a matter of perspective. When you are feeling anxious, or even a little depressed, it’s easy to get caught up in your own emotions. The more you think about your situation, the darker your thoughts tend to get, until moving forward seems impossible. Read More

7 years ago

Could Unplugging from Social Media Be a Path to Happiness After 60?

“I’ve noticed the more reactive I feel, the more miserable I am. Social media is just jet fuel for reactivity.” – Tim Ferriss (author of The 4-Hour Workweek and Tools of Titans) Read More

7 years ago

Why Finding a Sense of Purpose May be the Secret to Happiness after 60

One common thread that I have seen as I talk with the women in our Sixty and Me communitiy is that life after 60 is a time of personal reflection. This doesn’t mean that baby boomers are ready to “age gracefully.” Far from it! It simply means that life after 60 is filled with questions, some philosophical and some practical: Read More

7 years ago

How to Avoid Turning Into a “Grumpy Old Woman”

One of the stereotypes about aging is that people tend to get more conservative and unfriendly in their later years.

We’ve all seen movies where old people sit on their porches, complaining that “kids today just don’t get it.” Usually, these aren’t the kind of folks that you would like to invite over to your place for a beer. Read More

7 years ago

Is Your Long Memory Making You Unhappy?

One of the best things about being over 60 is that you finally have some perspective on how the world really works.

When it comes to relationships, love, money and health, you have decades of experience to draw on. For the most part, this is a great thing. After all, as George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Read More