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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

6 years ago

How to Be the Best Person You Can Be at Any Age

Are you the best person that you can be? It’s a simple question, but, its consequences are far reaching. Why?

Because making a commitment to self-improvement puts us in control of our lives – and a sense of control is a cornerstone of positivity. By taking action to be the best person we can be, we assert our right to judge ourselves. At the same time, we deny the right of others to judge us. Read More

6 years ago

Wellness Spotlight: Do You Find Ways to Grow Your Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being?

This blog is part two of a three-part series describing the six dimensions of wellness: physical, social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and vocational and how they work together to form whole-person wellness. Read More

6 years ago

Partly Cloudy, Mostly Sunny: Dowsing Dissatisfaction with the Practiced Positivity of a Mature Woman

A couple weeks ago, I had a real down-in-the-dumps day. I’m almost embarrassed to admit it because my life is normally good, and I’m grateful for so, so much. Read More

6 years ago

How Breaking Up with My Therapist Allowed Me to Continue My Journey

I broke up with my therapist recently. That sounds a bit dramatic. What I mean is that I ended a formal relationship with a talk therapist I’d been seeing fairly regularly over the past few years. And, like all break-ups – even the ones that you know need to happen – I felt incredibly sad afterwards. Read More

6 years ago

Feeling a Little Grey? Here Are 5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Day

We all have good days and bad days, and sometimes the pendulum seems to be weighted towards the bad ones. As we get older, it can be a challenge to snap ourselves out of the doldrums, especially if we live or spend a lot of time alone. Read More

6 years ago

Are Distractions Preventing You From Finding Happiness After 60?

Is your desire for instant gratification preventing you from finding happiness in your 60s or better? Are you shopping for positivity in all the wrong places? These are the questions that will guide today’s discussion. Read More

6 years ago

3 Unexpected Ways Meditation is a Key to Happiness After 60

Despite the common stereotypes, people over 60 are busy. We are always on the move. And, when we do finally have a moment of silence, we rush to fill it with a thousand small distractions. Did you know that the average person checks their phone 110 times per day? 110 times! Read More

6 years ago

Is it Better to be Right or Happy? The Answer May Surprise You!

By the time we reach our 60th birthday, it’s natural to have well-formed opinions about the world. Many of us have strong political and religious views. Others have well-formed opinions about the sports teams that we support, the causes that we contribute to and the communities in which we live. Read More

6 years ago

Embrace the Power of Laughter to Feel More Positive Every Day

There are only a few times in our lives when all of our troubles fade into the background and we experience true happiness. Some of these moments are “big” – seeing our grandchild for the first time, accomplishing something significant, or getting married. Read More

6 years ago

Using this Word Every Day will Change Your Life

What does it mean to connect with someone? These days, it seems like communication has been reduced to quick emails and even briefer Facebook posts. I can’t remember the last time I received a handwritten card or letter. Can you? Read More