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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

6 years ago

Want to Find Happiness in Life After 60? Stop Blaming the World and Start Helping Yourself

When it comes to life after 60, happiness and positivity are often hard to find. It’s easy to look to external sources of our problems. We might blame someone else for our financial difficulties. Or, we may curse our “bad luck” for having to deal with an illness, divorce or other challenging situation. Read More

6 years ago

Don’t Wait for Happiness to Find You: Invest in Finding It for Yourself!

Happiness is more than a feel-good emotion. Happiness, science is discovering, is actually surprisingly beneficial to our health and longevity. Read More

6 years ago

Writing an Autobiography Can Help You to Find Happiness After 60

The stories of our lives are based on our everyday experiences, but, writing an autobiography that fairly represents our accomplishments is up to us. We decide how to interpret what we have done and what has happened to us. Read More

6 years ago

4 Ways We Can Infuse Our Lives with Purpose After 60

Our life’s worth. Value. Purpose. Maybe that conjures images of grandeur, of heroism, of large impact. But I know the worth of a life can also be found in quiet ways, small moments, simple gestures. Read More

6 years ago

Embrace the Power of “Possible Thinking”

If you listen to most self-help gurus, they will tell you that positive thinking is essential to finding happiness. I’ve always been somewhat skeptical of this advice. After all, sometimes it feels like we need action more than optimism to solve our problems. Do you feel the same way?

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6 years ago

Cultivate a Positive Attitude by Learning to Give Genuine Compliments

After decades looking after other people, it’s easy to feel a little lost. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to develop a positive attitude in your 50s or 60s. One of the most effective of these is giving genuine compliments. Read More

6 years ago

The Magic of Shine in Our 60s, or How Comparing Ourselves to Others Can Actually Ruin Our Lives

A few years ago, in 2011, I saw Rita Moreno in her one-woman theatre piece, Rita Moreno: Life without Makeup. She was spectacular – singing, and dancing. She was in her early 80s. Read More

6 years ago

More Than Just Sparkle: How a Simple Circle Can Represent Strength, Love and Gratitude

Jewelry is weighted with meaning. I dare say, if jewelry could talk, each piece would convey the story of how their home became your personal jewelry drawer. Read More

6 years ago

Accepting Aging: Letting Go of the Younger Self That We’ve Left Behind

A friend of mine is limping into his 60s with a sense of loss. Loss of youth, energy and significance. I understand all of that and believe that most of us go through a passage where we grieve the younger life we’ve left behind. Read More

6 years ago

3 Ways to Keep Having Fun in Your 60s

Are You Havin’ Any Fun? is an old song with lyrics by Jack Yellen and music by Sammy Fain. It goes something like this: Read More