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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

5 years ago

The Importance of Play in the Years After 60

Just the other day, I was walking near a park close to our home and heard what I can only describe as the joyous squeal of a toddler who’d just gone down a slide. And I’ll always remember the look of pure joy on the face…

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5 years ago

Happiness: the Key to Good Health in the Years of Maturity

Last week I had lunch with a dear friend who later texted me, apologizing for having spent most of our time together moaning and groaning about various things going on in her life. She hoped she hadn’t been a drain on me…

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5 years ago

How to Strip Off the Barnacles: Strategies for Freeing Yourself as You Evolve

“How do you identify the barnacles and how do you strip them off?” A kind reader posed this question at the bottom of a recent article of mine on Sixty and Me. I was writing about my friend Terri Ducay…

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5 years ago

4 Keys to Happiness: How to Find Your Purpose in Life After 60

Life doesn’t have to be bleak, daunting, and depressing for those of us who are over 60. Filling our days with happiness and purpose makes life a bit more exciting as we grow older. After all, every single person on Earth has a singular purpose. Discovering it will lead to a longer, happier, and healthier life. Read More

5 years ago

Are You Willing to Take More Risks to Find True Happiness?

Over the course of our lives, we are taught many lessons. We learn that some people can’t be trusted. Most of us discover, the hard way, that life isn’t “fair.” We learn that most black and white issues are actually colored by rainbows of complexity. Unfortunately, many of us respond to these “lessons” by becoming more cautious and risk-averse. Read More

5 years ago

4 Ways Keeping a Journal Can Help You to Find Happiness

Like many women my age, I spend hours in front of my computer every day. As the founder of Sixty and Me, it’s rare for me to type fewer than 2000 words before lunch. But, despite the fact that I am completely comfortable with technology, I still love my leather bound journal.

There is something about putting pen to paper that takes me to another world and makes all of my fears and worries fade away, if only for a moment. Do you feel the same? Read More

6 years ago

Can Forest Bathing Make Your 60+ Body Feel Less Stressed and More Healthy? You’d Be Surprised!

Every now and then I run across information that I intuitively understood but didn’t consider on an intellectual level. My most recent experience with this phenomenon occurred at a recent lecture titled “Wellness in Your Woods…”

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6 years ago

Comforting Your Inner Child Can Help You to Find Happiness After 60

When you are feeling lonely or anxious, it’s easy to get caught up in the jumble of emotions. What you really want is a trusted friend to listen to – someone who can help you to see the situation rationally and who can offer perspective. Read More

6 years ago

Out with the Old! 5 Things Every Woman Should Throw Away This Spring (and 5 Things to Keep)

Yes, your cabinets or closets may need a good purging. But spring is also good time to throw away some things that don’t require a trip to Goodwill. I know you’re chomping at the bit to dig through your cupboards. But how about sorting through your clutter within, too?

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6 years ago

Happy Brain, Healthy Heart = Happy Heart, Healthy Brain

“You have to meet Miss Fiona!” my friend gushed, knowing my passion for celebrating dynamic, thriving seniors. “She’s truly amazing!” Read More