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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

5 years ago

5 Easy Steps to Choosing Joy in Your 60s

There is such potential for joy in our 60s and beyond. And, of course, there is also possibility for growing bitter and sad. Without thinking about it, we will probably end up being more of what we’ve always tended towards…

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5 years ago

How Happy Do You Feel in Your Own Skin? Growing Old May Have Something to Do with It

An old friend and I were chatting recently via email. She had sent me a photograph she had taken of me earlier that day. I replied that it made me notice how very white my hair is and that I needed a haircut…

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5 years ago

Embrace Affirmations After 60: 3 Techniques for Building Positivity in Your Life

Like most Americans over the age of 60, a compact magazine called the Reader’s Digest arrived every week when I was growing up. Although it is still in existence, I haven’t read it for many years. Have you? Read More

5 years ago

6 Ways To Find Lasting Happiness After 60

After our 60th birthday, we want to do everything we can to keep healthy, active and strong. After all, with at least 20 years more ahead of us, the investments that we make now will make all the difference in the future…

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5 years ago

How to Be Happier by Learning to See the Good in Others

People who surround themselves with positivity have an easier time seeing the good in other people. The reverse is also true. People who teach themselves to see the good in others tend to be more positive and experience happiness more deeply. Seeing the good in others requires us to question our assumptions, but, it is worth the effort. Read More

5 years ago

Being Conscientious: A Forgotten Key to Happiness and Longevity

We’ve learned a lot about what improves both the quality of our lives in our senior years as well as our longevity. Healthy eating habits, exercise, and an optimistic attitude are among the front-runners according to science. ..

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5 years ago

5 Simple Morning Rituals that Can Make You Happier and Healthier After 60

By the time we reach our age, we have plenty of habits. These small rituals build up slowly over time and are seldom chosen consciously.

Take a moment to think about your “typical” weekday morning. Do you stumble out of bed and head straight for the coffee machine? Do you check your email, or Facebook, within a few minutes of getting up? Is there a certain type of cereal that you have eaten for years?

If so, maybe it’s time to develop some new morning rituals. Read More

5 years ago

5 Lifestyle Ideas for Boomers to Manage Expectations

It’s a rarity that we have time to sit down and reflect on our lives. Self-reflection is considered a luxury instead of a necessity. You rush from pillar to post and the minutes tick by until the end of the day…

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5 years ago

The Surprising Connection Between Health and Happiness

When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, what do you see? Do your eyes dance quickly over your reflection, too quickly to settle on any one body part? Or, perhaps you pull in your stomach, hold back your hair and pause to evaluate yourself. Are you happy with what you see? Read More

5 years ago

Are You Comparing Yourself to Others Unfairly? No Wonder You Feel Sad!

Do you ever feel like most of the people around you are much more “together” than you are? Do you often find yourself comparing yourself to others, even when you know it’s counterproductive? I know I do!

Sitting in a coffee shop, watching the people smiling and talking with their friends, it’s easy to think that we are the only ones that have problems. Read More