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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

4 years ago

How to Be Happy with Life’s Imperfections

The outfielders dropped fly balls, pitches soared over home plate, and the shortstop hurled a throw into the dugout. As we watched our beloved Astros play baseball…

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4 years ago

How Often Do You See a Rainbow? Let’s Take a Moment to Consider the Message

The rainbow has been a symbol of hope and of creative energy in many cultures for centuries. Rainbow symbolism is deep and powerful. The emotions that the deep colors bring…

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4 years ago

The ABC’s of Coping During the Unprecedented Time of Global Pandemic

We are all living on uncharted terrain, rough and rocky and very unstable under our feet. It’s all unknown and unpredictable and this causes normal and natural fear and anxiety…

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4 years ago

3 Key Mindsets to Help You Move Toward the End of the Pandemic

As you try to maintain the collective sanity during this maybe-last-first phase of the coronavirus, you can be sure the pandemic is wearing on everyone…

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4 years ago

How Important Is Quiet (Introversion) in Today’s Noisy World?

I recently came across a cartoon in an email that made me laugh out loud. But it wasn’t a standard punch line or funny character or comment that triggered my laughter. I was laughing…

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4 years ago

5 Secrets to Living Happily Ever After in Your 60s, 70s and Beyond

Secrets are tantalizing. And to think I finally cracked the code on the secret to living happily ever after. Read More

4 years ago

How Accepting Hardships Helps Us Grow Wiser in the Years After 60

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t really get the concept of acceptance until I hit 59. At that point, I could finally see that my senior years were inevitable. I wasn’t thrilled, but I was willing to put up with them. Mainly because I had no choice…

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4 years ago

Stop Being So Hard on Yourself! 8 Ways to Handle Self-Diminishing Thoughts

Have you ever wondered why you are so hard on yourself at times? Have you wanted to explore something new, like joining a new group you’re interested in? Read More

4 years ago

Why the Fear of Getting Hurt Can Stop You from Finding Happiness

Hands up from all the women in our community who never made a mistake. If we were in a room together, I can guarantee that no-one would be waving. Ok, maybe there would be one “class clown,” waving her hand, but, anyone who took the request seriously, would be sitting still. Read More

4 years ago

7 Things We Can Complain About and Why We Should Choose to Be Positive Instead

My life mission statement includes living on purpose, so to just mindlessly respond to someone with a “fine” doesn’t seem intentional. I settled for “no complaints” as a purposeful response to the frequent question…

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