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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

3 years ago

Say Sorry the Right Way: Make Sure Your Apology Is Sincere!

If you’re like me, the phrase “I’m sorry” makes regular appearances in your conversations. I say it when I’m late, when I feel embarrassed, when someone tells me they feel sad about something. I also say it when the person I’m addressing looks…

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3 years ago

Confidence Is Sexy! 5 Steps to Help You Feel More Confident Beyond 60

As a single woman over 60, I am keenly aware that it’s often tough to feel confident. I sometimes feel like I have to put on my boxing gloves to get out there and stay relevant. After all, we live in a world that equates beauty and talent with youth…

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3 years ago

Summer of Love: What Does It Mean to You?

Many of us have heard of the Summer of Love – but did you know it’s THIS summer? After the past 15-16 months of Zoom, quarantine, drive-by baby showers, virtual meetings and learning, YouTube yoga, Instacart, missing our loved ones across the country…

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3 years ago

Changing Habits After 60 – Now That’s Scary! Do You Know How to Bring Joy to the Process of Change?

I’ve talked about changing attitudes and expectations around aging and wellness, and about creating a vitality plan and making regular vitality deposits. But I think there is something else working under the surface to derail positive change…

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3 years ago

The Three Pillars to Level up Your Purpose: The Wise Woman Creates with Life

If you are going to create a life with the personal purpose that inspires you and brings you meaning, you first need to believe it is possible. In my previous article, I shared that one of the key learnings you need to embrace is that you are enough at this moment…

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3 years ago

Help! My Relationship Has Been Storyboarded After a Breakup!!!

At one time I felt that Jonathan, aka Darth Vader, was the “Man of My Dreams” – my “last lover” (and exactly how many “lovers” do I wish to accumulate? Not too many is the hope…). Weird how one can believe in fairytale romance…

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3 years ago

6 Ways to Thrive and Flourish After 60

My husband and I just celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary. We met almost 50 years ago. We are getting old. The years have passed so quickly. We look older and, many days, feel older. But I generally don’t mind. I care less about the passing years…

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3 years ago

Not Feeling Blessed? Change the Tune!

I come to you this morning to say three simple words: You are blessed! “What do you mean,” you might ask. It’s simple, really. You are reading, which means you are alive. So, you are blessed! You must remind yourself that you have the privilege of reaching 60…

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3 years ago

Rediscover Play and How It Can Heal Body, Mind and Spirit After 60

What I remember best about my friend is her playfulness. She was one of the few adults in my circle who really knew how to play. She enjoyed a long, fulfilling life despite many hardships along the way. I’ll always remember her joy and laughter…

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3 years ago

The Three Pillars to Level Up Your Purpose: Set Your Wise Woman Free

In an earlier article, we discussed the value of having a sense of purpose in life and some easy steps to help you discover yours. Recall that purpose is related to vitality, mental acuity, and longevity. Now, we will explore the three key pillars to keep leveling…

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