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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

2 years ago

Redefining Love – Without a Partner – and Why You Don’t Need One

Have you devoted years, if not decades, to therapeutic services in the search for the answer to how to love and forgive yourself and your ex-partner(s)? The self-help gurus, coaches, and TikTokers offer up many exercises that work to a limited degree by creating…

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2 years ago

How to Use the Power of Words to Make You Feel Fabulous at 60 Plus!

When was the last time you whispered “sweet somethings” to yourself? How often do you praise and speak happily about the majesty and beauty of YOU? How much is your inner self dialogue loving, supportive, encouraging, compassionate…

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2 years ago

To Buy or to Build, That Is the Question

So you are ready to buy or build a home that fits your retirement needs, but which is the better choice? Is buying an existing home the cheaper, least stressful choice or is building a new home the most efficient and satisfying choice?

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2 years ago

Emotional Freedom from Surface Level Healing

Have you ever wondered why, after healing an emotional wound from your past, you still find yourself instantly triggered by the same issue years later? If you can relate, you are not alone. In this article, and the accompanying video…

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2 years ago

Finding Happiness After 60: Following Your Bliss Is Just Doing What You Love

The phrase, “Follow your bliss,” was famously said by the author, Joseph Campbell. It seems like one of those New Age truisms that we respond to with, “Sounds nice, but who can afford to do that? Rock stars? Celebrities? Very rich people?”

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2 years ago

How I Used This Summer to Inch Closer to Realising My Ideal Day

Several years ago, back when I was contemplating a change in careers, I did an exercise where I described my “ideal day.” My description basically reads as follows: I spend my mornings writing, followed by some other, related creative…

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Live with Joy as a Single Older Woman

I’ve been single for the last 20+ years. I got married in 1964, when I was 20 years old. I was married for 18 years (really, 15 years because that is when we separated). And then, after that, I had a relationship with a significant other for 17 years…

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2 years ago

Do You Still Compare Yourself with Others, Even in Your 60s?

You’d think that, after 60, we wouldn’t have a reason to compare ourselves with others. After all, we’ve already led full lives so why aren’t we comfortable in our own skin? The truth is, the comparison game is something many of us…

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2 years ago

How to Match Your Service Choices with Your Higher Purpose

Most people want to live happy, productive lives. One way to create a life worth living is to share your joy and passion with others, through service. Studies have shown that giving back contributes to better health. Volunteering…

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2 years ago

Why Slowing Down Increases the Quality of Your Life

How many times have you found yourself feeling weighed down with an unexpected life crisis that involved your health, finances, relationships, and even the state of the world? What if I said a life crisis can be avoided, stress relieved, and the overall quality…

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