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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

1 year ago

Creating a New Character Arc for Yourself In 2023

No one walks away unchanged from transitional moments in life. Some changes are easy to recognize and others not so much. The changes that are unconscious are not only more difficult to spot, but they are also the ones that unknowingly…

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1 year ago

The Many Joys Lying in Bed Can Bring to a Senior Woman

Usually, when anyone writes about the joys of bed, they are thinking of one of two things: the pleasures of a good night’s sleep or, alternatively, of sex. I am a great believer in both…

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2 years ago

How Feng Shui Can Help You Welcome Wealth in Shades of Purple and Gold

What does abundance mean to you at this time in your life? Enough money to take a nice vacation once a year? Or to do work or pursue an interest that you truly love? Is it a home that’s just the right size for your comfort…

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2 years ago

Knowing Myself Series – Part 2: Falling in Love with Myself

Growing up reading fairy tales, I believed that my soulmate is out there. When he (insert your own preference) crossed my path, it will be love at first sight. We will live happily ever after. Alas, that is not what happened…

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2 years ago

12 Gifts to Give Yourself This Christmas!

When I was young, I used to love looking at the windows of the houses lit up by Christmas trees and sparkling lights. In the dark winter months, I would spy little flurries of different lives being lived along the street where I grew up…

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2 years ago

6 Simple Steps to Change Your Life Narrative in 2023

The holidays are upon us and soon we will be entering a new year. For those of us over 60, we have navigated countless holiday gatherings and made more New Year’s resolutions than we can remember. So, what makes this holiday season and 2023 so important?

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Bring Radical Acceptance into Your Life After 60

Oh, how we wish for things to be different: Our bodies strong and healthy and, preferably, slim. Our children stable and successful; our grandchildren happy and thriving. Loved ones alive and healthy. Our marriages deeply loving…

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2 years ago

What to Say (Or Not Say) to Someone Who Is Terminally Ill

I’ve been on this trek (more arduous than a journey) with terminal cancer for a year now. For six months or so, I kept silent about my diagnosis to give me time to process and adjust with my family and a few close friends…

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2 years ago

3 Things I’m Grateful for and 3 Things I’m Grumbling About

It’s that time of the year when many of us are making lists. Sometimes, we’re enumerating things to do, while other lists may include loftier goals for the coming year or names of people or events we appreciate…

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2 years ago

Writing and Finding Your Life Passion

December is a good time for an annual review and also a good time to reevaluate that you are doing all that you can do to bring joy into your life. Discovering and claiming our passion is about knowing what we love doing…

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