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What are your favorite movies, TV shows and bands? What are your favorite actors and actresses over 60? What about music performers? Let's explore the magical world of entertainment together!

5 months ago

The Mysterious Power of Comfort Songs

When I was in my early 20s, I rented a room in a sprawling mansion-turned-rooming-house that was in a beautiful part of Vancouver, Canada. Lots of tall, old trees lined the sidewalks. The area had a luxuriant park-like atmosphere…

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6 months ago

The Silver Screen Revolution: Celebrating Women Over 60 in Cinema

A transformative wave is sweeping through Hollywood, spotlighting women over 60, breaking age-old stereotypes with their dynamism and depth. This movement is reshaping roles available to these seasoned actresses…

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6 months ago

We Need the Songs We Can Sing Along To

I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about the value of songs. I’m thinking of songs that have a distinct and memorable melody and meaningful lyrics. Songs that trigger loving memories. Songs that speak of heartbreaks or hardships…

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7 months ago

Play Reviews for Theater Lovers

Is it me or is it the productions? Two out of the eight plays presented here are old – and those are the ones that resonated with me. Granted, staying power says a lot about a play, a book, a movie. And the themes of these two plays, Greek tragedy…

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9 months ago

Introducing Grandchildren to the Movies You Love

One of the great joys of having grandchildren is the opportunity to relive the pleasures of childhood. We love to get on the floor and play with their toy trains or construct houses from plastic blocks of one kind or another…

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10 months ago

How to Grow Your Vocabulary in a Shrinking-Vocabulary World

I hear myself using some of the same words over and over. Words like nice, cool, wow, and pretty. Maybe the guy is nice, but there’s a plethora of words that may better describe him. Maybe he’s good-natured, pleasant, friendly, hospitable, cordial, amiable…

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10 months ago

14 Beautiful Celebrity Women Over 60

Women over 60 are thriving and living full lives. It used to be that actresses stopped being cast for movie roles as they got older, and musicians lost credibility once they passed a certain age. Thankfully, these industries have changed, and women…

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11 months ago

A Star Is Born – None Too Soon

I feel privileged sitting in the small Chicago Greenhouse Theater with an intimate group invited to see the first professional staging of a new play, My Whorizontal Life by Sephe Haven. OK, the title is a giveaway. This is a solo recollection of her life…

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11 months ago

Short Story: A Mother’s Duty

“He says there are too many syllables in my name. ‘Ste-pha-nie Pe-zott-a.’ He’s right, Ma. You should’ve picked something short, like Dove.” Arlene clamped her mouth shut as she finished loading the dishwasher while her daughter leaned against…

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12 months ago

7 Free iPad Games for Seniors with Dementia

Video games can help dementia patients to combat boredom and stay mentally active. It is important for seniors with dementia to engage in activities that help ease the feelings of anxiety and provide social and mental stimulation…

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