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Encore Careers

As we reach our 60s, more and more women are starting encore careers. Not satisfied to "age gracefully," we are going back to school, becoming nurses, painters and teachers. If you are thinking about starting a new career, we have some tools to help you get started.

5 years ago

Put Your Talents Back to Work After 60 and Beyond

People transition into retirement in different ways. Some, like professors and therapists, can gradually cut back on their workload. Others enjoy their retirement party and then choose not to have anything to do with their previous career…

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5 years ago

Returning to Your Career in Your 50s and 60s – the Good and the Bad Exposed!

When I was younger and had children arriving about every two years, I left my career. Because I’m a lawyer, I referred to it as laying down the law. I even wrote a book about it called Coming Home to Raise Your Children…

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5 years ago

So You Just Lost Your Job After 50? Here Are 10 Ways to Move Forward

In the classic movie American Beauty, Lester explains to his daughter that he didn’t “lose” his job. He explains that if this were true, he could have found it again. If this were the case for all of us who’ve experienced losing a job, we wouldn’t be a square peg and would have little need to read ahead. Read More

5 years ago

Finding Purpose in the Encore Years: If You Can’t Do It the Easy Way… There’s Always the Creative One!

“True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.” — John Gardner. My friend Laurie just retired. At first she was worried. After 35 years teaching at a university, suddenly she no longer had to set her alarm to get up in the morning…

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6 years ago

Embracing a Portfolio Career Later in Life

A year or so before I broke up with my therapist, I arrived at one of our bi-monthly sessions one day, plopped myself down, and announced that we’d be discussing career change. It was a few months after I’d been laid off from my job, and I was beginning to contemplate my next professional move. Read More

6 years ago

Looking for a Job After 60? Career Expert Kerry Hannon Offers Some Useful Advice!

Money is a hot-button topic.  Most people would rather admit to having an affair than that they have credit card debt! So, I set out to find an expert who could offer no-nonsense advice, just for women over 60. Kerry Hannon is just such an expert. Read More

6 years ago

The Advantage of Being an Older Worker: Exploring What Women Over 60 Bring to Businesses

It was a lively bunch. The 12 people in my class were from a smaller company that provides conference services. It had recently been purchased by a much larger global corporation in November 2016. Read More

6 years ago

Looking for Job After 50? Here’s How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Thought that you were done writing when you finished your resume? Unfortunately, you must think again about that one. Read More

6 years ago

Starting a Salary Negotiation After 50? Understand Your BATNA

Starting a salary negotiation in your 50s or 60s can be a terrifying prospect. In many ways, it is like negotiating a salary increase at any other age – you worry about hurting your reputation with your boss, feel awkward about asking for a raise and worry that doing so will hurt your prospects at the company. Read More

6 years ago

Am I Ready for Retirement? Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Deep into your job search, it becomes critical to use every asset available to you. One of the bridges you’ll most likely approach will have you cross over to the dark side…

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