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Women over 50 need encouragement to feel empowered to live a great life. Here you will find articles that will help you on the road to self-empowerment.

1 year ago

What Gets in the Way of Moving Forward and What We Can Do About It

Our desire to expand and become more than we are now is a built-in aspect of our nature. It’s there to stimulate us to move beyond our pre-conceived notions of ourselves, and for some of us, the self-imposed limits that emerge when we try to do so…

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1 year ago

The Art of Successful Aging After 60

What is the defining characteristic of a trailblazer? As you ponder your answer, consider how it relates to our generation, as a whole. At each stage of our lives, there has been quite a bit written about how Baby Boomers rewrote the rule book…

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1 year ago

Overcoming the Fear Factor as We Navigate Life

My back was bothering me the other day. Fortunately, I have a chiropractor who works wonders, so I called his office for an appointment: “The doctor is on vacation, sorry…

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1 year ago

How to Fall in Love with Being Good to Yourself! (5 Fabulous Feel-Good Tips)

A lovely lady that I coached many years ago once said to me that she didn’t know how to love herself. She went on to say that she was quite critical about herself and barely made time to do the things in life that gave her joy…

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1 year ago

What’s My Passion? Exploring New Ideas and Finding Your Spark

I’ve signed up for a motivational workshop with Matthew McConaughey. No, I’m not embarrassed to say so. I find him charming, engaging and a good model of how to embrace life with exuberance and focus. In preparation…

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1 year ago

A Path to Where the Life of Your Dreams Lives

When you blaze a new path for yourself after 60, you are charting a course to where the life of your dreams lives. How do you go about this in a way that is practical, accessible, and fun? By changing your perspective of what you believe is possible for yourself…

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1 year ago

Dare to Dream Again After Being Hit by a Life Quake

At some point in your life, you will go through “something.” That “something” could be the sudden death of a loved one, a nasty divorce, an unexpected financial crisis or a dreaded life slip. These “life quakes” are life-changing experiences…

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1 year ago

Top 10 Benefits of Going Inward After 60

When was the last time you slowed down and went inward? Of all the things we can do to love more of ourselves, there is truly nothing more valuable or important than going inward. If this is true, and I believe it is, why is going inward…

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1 year ago

Yes, You Can Learn “New Tricks” and Be Powerful at Any Age!

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the old adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Does the underlying message have any significance in real life? I recently read several articles that referenced this saying, and they both struck…

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1 year ago

What Does Being a Trailblazer After 60 Mean to You?

Who or what is a trailblazer? Is it someone who takes inspired action on new opportunities before anyone else? Or is a trailblazer someone who paves a new path to love, happiness, and fulfillment by not conforming to what others say they can be or do after 60?

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