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Women over 50 need encouragement to feel empowered to live a great life. Here you will find articles that will help you on the road to self-empowerment.

6 months ago

Find Empowerment by Stepping Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Lately, some of my friends have been saying this old adage, “Time is short.” When we step forward into another birthday, we know this. I’ve noticed that as my birthday numbers increase, I feel safer saying no to opportunities that require effort or are slightly…

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6 months ago

The Myth of the Silk Purse: How to Keep Your Vision

I was living in Mexico in 2022, contemplating a return to the U.S., when my sister emailed asking if I would be interested in a derelict hunting shack on the property abutting the family farm where she and her husband live…

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6 months ago

7 Benefits of Setting Healthy Boundaries After 60

Have you ever experienced situations in your life where you felt your boundaries were crossed or compromised? If so, do you remember what emotions those experiences evoked and how they shaped your relationship with yourself and others moving forward…

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6 months ago

Don’t Talk Yourself Out of Embracing Life

Have you ever wanted to try something new or make some kind of change in your life and then not follow through? We all do it! Yet, not following through can detract from us living the full and happy life we imagine, deserve and that can support healthy aging…

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6 months ago

Breaking Free: The Pitfalls of Labels, Levels, and Righteousness

If you are anything like me, you recall a time when lively debate was not only welcomed but celebrated – a time when the exchange of ideas was seen as the perfect avenue for growth, learning, and understanding. Each of us possesses a unique…

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7 months ago

This International Women’s Day, Let’s Celebrate the Women Who Came Before Us

Someday in the future, our female youth may think of us who are over 60 as ‘the women before us.’ We are the women who inspire their future. We are the women who went through the fires of life, held fast and came out more whole and wholesome…

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7 months ago

Live Your Own Adventure

Remember those “Choose Your Own Adventure” ® books by Chooseco? What if we looked at our post-fulltime life like that? After all, there are phases to retirement – from honeymoon to disenchantment to reorientation. Sometimes, there is no honeymoon…

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8 months ago

How to Embody These 7 Goddess Archetypes for Radiant Ageing!

There’s a feeling you get when you begin to tap into your own wisdom, your power, beauty, self-belief and confidence. It is a feeling unlike any other I have ever experienced. It’s a feeling of being fully ALIVE and totally present in your body…

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8 months ago

7 Essential Practices of Self-Love (VIDEO)

We all want more love in our lives. But what are we prepared to let go of to make room for the love we seek? To answer that question, we will want to reframe how we perceive self-love. For it is through a new understanding of what self-love…

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8 months ago

A New Generation of Mature Women Staying Fabulous and Fierce

Not long ago, I stumbled upon an old article from 2008 in More magazine. More ceased publishing almost a decade ago, but I had made a point of holding onto the article. Written by author Erica Jong, “How to Thrive When Your Babe Days Are Over”…

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