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Downsizing Your Life

Are you thinking about downsizing in retirement? Or, have you perhaps already experienced the benefits of downsizing your life. Not so long ago, I reduced my possessions to 200 items and I have never felt better! You can too.

1 year ago

The Importance of Humor for Older Women Downsizing Their Home

How can I giggle while I’m getting rid of things I’ve had for a very long time and have been important to me? What’s joyful about getting rid of my kids’ favorite toys? There’s no way I can smile as I trash album after album of our family’s pictures…

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2 years ago

Searching for a Roommate Online? How to Protect Yourself from the Most Common Scams

Open to the idea of living with a roommate to save on monthly costs, but worried about charting the unknown on internet listing sites? Having a hard time keeping up with all of the latest scams that may pop up during an online roommate search?

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2 years ago

Why Life Over 60 Works Better Without Clutter

How would you feel if a relative or friend died, leaving a house full of clutter behind them, and it fell to you to sort it all out? Unfortunately, this situation is very common. I often meet people who have toiled for months, or even years…

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2 years ago

Downsizing in Retirement: Purging My Closet, Office and Bathroom and Learning to Breathe Again

I love the change of seasons because it gives me an opportunity to do one of my favorite things: purge my closet. The good thing about purging one’s closet at the beginning of the season is that the things you get rid of are still wearable by someone else…

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2 years ago

One is the Loneliest Number – But Cohousing Can Be a Great Solution

Lonesome? Well, join the club. More than one in three adults over 45 is lonely, according to a survey by AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons. Are you one of them? As people retire and spouses, significant others…

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2 years ago

Having Trouble Downsizing? These 3 Questions May Help You to Simplify and Move Forward

Simplifying, downsizing, decluttering… these topics seem to be very popular. Why is this such an issue for so many people? When I went through a major downsizing last year, one of the things I learned was that I needed a very small percentage…

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2 years ago

The Unexpected Benefits of Downsizing: Clear Your Clutter and Your Outlook on Life

Maybe you’re still living in the house where you raised the children: Bedrooms remain unused. Closets are full of things accumulated over decades. Memories are in every corner. The garage is stuffed with who knows what…

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2 years ago

Suitcase Closet Clearing – or How I Got My Closet in Order

No matter how often I clean out my closet, I always seem to accumulate more clothes than I ever need. Some old, some new, and most that I know I will never wear. Every time the season changes, I set a new goal of clearing out the excess…

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2 years ago

Decluttering My Space One Jar at a Time!

I’m 72. I’ve moved seven times in the last 20 years, and I pear down with each move. I still feel like I have too much stuff! When I talk to my friends, especially ones that are around my age, we eventually get to the subject of downsizing, moving…

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2 years ago

How to Align Your Home with Your Heart

Your home is intended to be your friend and safe place – comfortable and easy to be around, as well as a support to face the stress and tension beyond the front door. It is meant to be a personal, nourishing space where you…

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