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Downsizing Your Life

Are you thinking about downsizing in retirement? Or, have you perhaps already experienced the benefits of downsizing your life. Not so long ago, I reduced my possessions to 200 items and I have never felt better! You can too.

9 months ago

What Do You Do When You Want to Downsize – But Your Spouse Doesn’t?

As an interior designer for the past 35 years, I have had the opportunity to help baby boomers design their first, second and even third homes, their beach houses, mountain retreats, and country cottages…

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9 months ago

5 Things to Declutter from Your Wardrobe Today!

If your wardrobes are bursting at the seams, but you still find you have nothing to wear, you’re not alone. It’s time to get ruthless and be honest with yourself. Here are 5 things taking up valuable space in your wardrobe…

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9 months ago

Downsizing Dilemma: Why Getting Rid of Books is So Tough

Finally, you have reached the age when you are beginning to think about downsizing. Perhaps you have familiarized yourself with all the practical and even emotional difficulties involved and have decided you are not quite ready to take the plunge?

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9 months ago

How Learning to Simplify Can Help You Define Your Unique and Personal Style

As women who are aging beautifully, one of our goals is to finally settle on our personal and unique style. What defines us; what clothes look great on us; what people enrich and inspire us; which colors make us feel energized and comfortable…

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10 months ago

Moving to New Home Later in Life: Preparing to Move

Moving after age 50 differs from your younger days when you could recruit a friend with a pickup truck and pay with pizza and beer. Moving later in life presents a more significant logistical challenge. For one thing, you probably have more stuff…

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10 months ago

Downsized? How to Decorate Your New Smaller Home for the Holidays

At this stage of life, you’re looking forward to a simpler lifestyle with less clutter, more freedom, new friends, and new memories. Your kids are now grown and have left the nest. You might be single, widowed, or a couple. No matter what, holidays…

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10 months ago

How I Went from Downsizing to Minimalism

I began my downsizing journey many years ago. I found that it is more of an ongoing process than an event. Even though there were many events within the process, it was always focused around the removal of things. All of those cherished possessions…

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10 months ago

Moving to a New Home Later in Life: Senior Living Options

As noted in an earlier Sixty and Me blog in this series, your health status may be the deciding factor in the location for your next move. After getting input from trusted medical professionals and your family, think about what you’ll need in a living situation…

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10 months ago

How to Know If Downsizing Is the Right Thing to Do

Richard and Jane Brown sold their four-bedroom home in the suburbs. And moved into a new two-bedroom condominium. In their 60s and still active, they chose this condominium for its amenities. It was two blocks from the ocean…

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10 months ago

How Clearing Clutter Can Help You Find Freedom and Happiness After 60

I came across this quote about clearing clutter on – of all places – a medical website, and it struck me as the perfect way to look at the “too much stuff” conundrum I’m still struggling with. Peter Walsh, an organizational expert and former host…

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