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Downsizing Your Life

Are you thinking about downsizing in retirement? Or, have you perhaps already experienced the benefits of downsizing your life. Not so long ago, I reduced my possessions to 200 items and I have never felt better! You can too.

9 years ago

Introducing the Golden Girls Network – Find Happiness and Make Friends as an Older Adult (Video)

When it comes to senior housing, there are so many options available! One option that is growing in popularity among women over 60 is choosing to live with a roommate. But, how can you find someone who is fun to share your house with? The answer may be the Golden Girls network. Read More

10 years ago

Downsizing in Retirement – Can You Live with 200 Items?

Retirement is a good time to assess what is important in our lives. By focusing on our priorities and downsizing in retirement, we can make space for the things that really matter. In a literal sense, “downsizing” can mean moving to a smaller house or learning to “traveling light.” For me, it is so much more than this. After a lifetime of accumulating “stuff,” downsizing allows us to create mental space. It helps us to simplify our life on a fundamental level. It all starts with shifting our focus away from “things” and towards experiences and people. Read More

10 years ago

Why Downsizing in Retirement May Make You Happier – Dr. Dale Atkins (Video)

Whether you are considering downsizing in retirement or just looking for ways to simplify your life, this episode of the Sixty and Me Show is for you!

In this episode of the show, I speak with Dr. Dale Atkins, a well-known psychologist and relationship expert. Her focus in on families, aging well, managing stress and achieving balance in life. Read More

11 years ago

Thinking of Downsizing Your Home in Your 60s? You’re Not Alone!

Whenever we post an article for the Sixty and Me Community on the subject of simplicity and downsizing your home, the response is overwhelming. There seems to be a strong desire as we get a little older to eliminate clutter and reduce our possessions to the essentials. Simply put, many of us want to shift to having less and experiencing more. Read More

11 years ago

Downsizing Your Home? Read This First!

Many women over 60 are making transitions in our careers, family lives and homes. Part of this transition process might involve downsizing your home. In fact, there are several trends in the real estate market that are causing more women over 60 than ever to consider moving to a smaller home. Read More