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Downsizing Your Life

Are you thinking about downsizing in retirement? Or, have you perhaps already experienced the benefits of downsizing your life. Not so long ago, I reduced my possessions to 200 items and I have never felt better! You can too.

6 years ago

Out with the Old! 5 Things Every Woman Should Throw Away This Spring (and 5 Things to Keep)

Yes, your cabinets or closets may need a good purging. But spring is also good time to throw away some things that don’t require a trip to Goodwill. I know you’re chomping at the bit to dig through your cupboards. But how about sorting through your clutter within, too?

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6 years ago

Thinking of Downsizing? Here Are Some Tips to Sell Your Home Fast!

The well-dressed home sells fast and for top dollar.

The emergence of staging and makeover services around the country is dictating a need that has been crying out to be met. Read More

6 years ago

Downsizing and Recycling Trend: Save the World While Decluttering Your Life

There appears to be no doubt about it. More and more of us are downsizing as we grow older. We don’t need or want the maintenance of a large home.

The prospect of downsizing means thinking about how many of our material things we really do use. What do we do with the things we do not want to take in a move to a smaller home? Think about recycling. Read More

6 years ago

Downsizing Your Home One Small Step at a Time: Are You Willing to Start This Journey as a Mature Woman?

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

My experience shows that a major downsizing of your home can seem like an even bigger undertaking than a thousand-mile trip. Give me a choice, and I’ll take the trip! Read More

6 years ago

5 Downsizing Dilemmas and How to Deal with Them

As we age, we are often looking to downsize or eliminate clutter and excess. Many of us embrace the concept of living with fewer things to maintain and that tie us down. The reality is that actually releasing our things can be challenging.
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6 years ago

Why Downsizing Your Life May be a Key to Happiness After 60 – Dr. Dale Atkins Interview

Let’s face it. Over the decades, we accumulate a lot of stuff. Then, as we get older, our priorities and interests change. After carrying clothes, books, travel souvenirs and school projects around for years, it all gets a little tiring. The memories are wonderful, but, in our 60s and 70s, for many of us, our focus shifts from things to experiences. Read More

6 years ago

5 Tips to Help You Declutter with Poise – Even When You’re a Pack Rat

Cleaning out an apartment or house is a stressful process, regardless of the reason. It’s not much fun sorting through possessions when you’re moving or renovating. Read More

6 years ago

Downsizing Your Home? It’s Easier When You’re Facing the Right Direction!

Over the weekend, I was riding my bike to one of my favorite coffee shops, which is only about 10 miles away, so it’s usually an easy ride.

But on this day, the wind was blowing “like spit,” as my grandmother used to say. (Do you ever think about things people said as you were growing up that you never thought much about, and then at some point, you begin to wonder “what on earth did that mean?”) Read More

6 years ago

How to Plan, Prepare and Pack Light for Stress-Free Travel After 60

How lightly do you travel? Since 2010, I’ve flown and holidayed with carry-on luggage only. That’s a handy seven kilograms of clothes, shoes and toiletries. Read More

6 years ago

7 Ways to Simplify Your Life While Saving the Environment

I’m just one small person in a big world, but I am concerned about my responsibility for the wellbeing of the world around me. In the 1970s, we were minimalists and a bit ‘hippie-ish.’ We eschewed sugar for honey and whole wheat for white. We tried our hand at gardening organically. We limited our possessions. We lived in modest homes…

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