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Downsizing Your Life

Are you thinking about downsizing in retirement? Or, have you perhaps already experienced the benefits of downsizing your life. Not so long ago, I reduced my possessions to 200 items and I have never felt better! You can too.

5 years ago

How Downsizing Early Could Help You Save $200K Extra for Retirement

It’s not surprising that downsizing has become a big trend in the United States and other Western countries. After all, we are simply drowning in stuff! How much stuff? Well, according to the LA Times, the average U.S. household contains 300,000 items…

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5 years ago

Are You “Dueling” with Clutter? How to Win the Battle and Get Your Life Back

Are you fighting a never-ending battle with clutter? If you think you are alone, you’re not! According to the National Association of Professional Organizers: 54% of Americans are overwhelmed by clutter…

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5 years ago

Down with Downsizing: The Art of Rightsizing Before and During Retirement

Few trends have captured the imagination of soon-to-be retirees with as much force as downsizing. In fact, if you read most retirement blogs or books, downsizing feels like it is almost a prerequisite to moving into the next phase of your life. The truth, as I have found by managing a community of 500,000 recent retirees, is more complicated.  Read More

5 years ago

Already Downsized? Learn How to Buy Without Adding Clutter to Your Life

If I read one more article about downsizing and decluttering, I think I’ll scream. At first it was refreshingly liberating, this KonMari method of asking, “Does this item bring me joy?” – yes, you’re in; no you’re out. Boom!

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5 years ago

What Is Swedish Death Cleaning (And Why Should You Be Doing It)?

My mom was a hoarder. While not in the same league as the people featured on Buried Alive (thankfully), she clearly had a problem letting go. There were the clothes dating back to the mid-70s that no longer fit her…

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5 years ago

What’s Good About Downsizing Your Home After 60? It Could Be Getting to Enough

As my regular readers know, last year I went through a major downsizing of my large home and moved into a very small apartment. It was hard. At times, very hard. I even wrote a book…

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5 years ago

The Upside to Downsizing – How You Can Love Life with Less

While sorting through my inbox, I came across one email with the subject line “Loving Life with Less.” Given my interest in downsizing, I was very excited to read it. Yes! I thought. That’s exactly the goal. Read More

5 years ago

The True Meaning of Downsizing: What to Keep, What to Release

Yesterday morning this landed in my inbox from Margaret Manning:

Downsizing (and simplification, more generally) has been a passion of mine over the last several years. And, one of the things that I have discovered through this process is that downsizing isn’t so much about letting go of “stuff” as it is letting go of emotions, memories and psychological barriers to change. So, let’s talk about how to get ready for downsizing at any age. Have you already gone through the process of downsizing your home? Or, are you thinking about doing this in the years to come?

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5 years ago

The Surprising Benefits of Having an Organized Purse or Handbag… and How to Do it!

It’s called a purse if you’re American and a handbag if you’re English, like me. But whatever name you call it, most women carry one, and it usually contains far more items than they ever need. Read More

5 years ago

How Gazingus Pin Awareness Can Save You Big Bucks After 60

Taxes aren’t handled the same worldwide. As tax time in the US has recently come and gone, my blood pressure will stabilize and profound sighs diminish. Now it’s a good time to concentrate on another money issue – namely, what we buy. Read More