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Downsizing Your Life

Are you thinking about downsizing in retirement? Or, have you perhaps already experienced the benefits of downsizing your life. Not so long ago, I reduced my possessions to 200 items and I have never felt better! You can too.

4 years ago

Downsizing After 60: Are You Surrounded by Too Much Stuff and Need to Let it Go?

Is your home filled with mementos and paperwork, or your closets stuffed with clothes? Are you or a person you live with a hoarder? Read More

4 years ago

How Do You Know You Have Just Enough? The Secret to Staying Downsized

You’ve gone through the incredibly hard process of downsizing your house to a smaller place – maybe a much smaller place. You’ve moved, organized things, and figured out just where to put everything you took with you. Read More

4 years ago

Why You Need to “Let Go” Before You Declutter – and How to Do That

With many parts of the world under quarantine, staying sane has become even more of a challenge than staying healthy. Whether you’re self-isolating solo, as part of a couple, or with your extended family, being confined to your home can take its toll…

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4 years ago

How to Organize Your Home After Clearing Out the Clutter

Clutter clearing is all about sorting through your belongings to decide what stays and what goes. In my Fast Track Clutter Clearing online course, I teach highly effective methods for doing this.

At the end of the process you are left with all the items you want to keep, and this is where the motto “A place for everything and everything in its place” comes in. Read More

5 years ago

What to Do with Your Collectibles When Downsizing

I have written several articles and given presentations on the importance of getting your affairs in order for your loved ones prior to your death. In fact, I created a flash drive called My Affairs in Order that allows you to record financial and personal information for your family. Read More

5 years ago

Meet a Woman Who Simplified Her Closet and Her Life and Gained Good Health

We all experience those periods when we sense a relationship is amiss. Or we know deep down we should make some changes on a personal level. But we look the other way…

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5 years ago

Is It Time to Move? 6 Questions to Help You Decide if It’s Time to Pull Up Your Roots

My neighbor across the street lost her husband about a year ago. The huge house she now inhabits is an awful lot of work, as is the yard. The other morning after a seven-inch snowfall, our mutual neighbor was clearing her driveway…

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5 years ago

4 Reasons to Move to a Smaller Home in Your 60s (Most Forget #2!)

Owning a home is an essential part of the American Dream. This is especially true for our generation, which grew up at a time when traditional family living, centered around the cozy home with a well-maintained lawn and a white picket fence, was idealized in magazines and on TV…

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5 years ago

The Art of Decluttering: How to Do It While Keeping Your Sanity and Having Fun

Most people want to age in the home they have. According to AARP, three out of four people 50-plus want to stay in their homes and communities as they age…

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5 years ago

Downsizing Is WAY Overrated… Why Rightsizing Is a Better Way to Go

As the years go by, some of us may feel that a two- or three-bedroom home is too big or too expensive to maintain. However, there are many aspects to downsizing that we may not be able to see on our own…

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