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Downsizing Your Life

Are you thinking about downsizing in retirement? Or, have you perhaps already experienced the benefits of downsizing your life. Not so long ago, I reduced my possessions to 200 items and I have never felt better! You can too.

4 years ago

Stuff It! How to Sensibly Deal with Our Parents’ Possessions as We Age

As Baby Boomers grow older and start moving to smaller dwellings, their children are faced with a dilemma – parents’ possessions. Furniture, keepsakes and heirlooms that parents want to pass on are often not wanted by the younger…

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4 years ago

How to Organize Your Medicine Cabinet for Safety and Convenience

If one of your New Year’s intentions is to get more organized, one place you might be thinking of starting is your medicine cabinet. Often, a discombobulated mess of expired medicines, old prescriptions and a scattered array of Band-Aids…

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4 years ago

Start the New Year Off Right by Decluttering Your Home

Do you have too much stuff? Do you feel like your possessions own you, and not the other way around? There’s something so liberating about cleaning out those overstuffed closets, cupboards, and storage spaces! And what better time…

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4 years ago

Struggling to Manage Your Life and Home After 60? Downsizing Could Be the Answer

“What do I want to do with my life?” That’s an overwhelming question for a woman in her 60 and beyond. When I think of asking myself that question, all kinds of thoughts pop up: How do I know? If I don’t know, who knows?

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4 years ago

3 Simple Ways to Declutter Your Home

If you look around your home, and don’t feel like a minimalist, you’re not alone. In fact, 54% of people are overwhelmed by the amount of clutter they have, and, sadly, a staggering 78% have no idea what to do with it…

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4 years ago

Should We Still Be Controlled by Material Possessions After 60?

Hard questions surface when you’re looking at leaving your home with a category four hurricane heading right for you. What do we take and what do we leave? These decisions are difficult to make under any circumstances…

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4 years ago

How to Get Rid of Stuff When You Have a Hard Time Getting Rid of Stuff

Whenever I tell people about our minimalist lifestyle they invariably say they love the idea but have a hard time letting go of stuff. My partner and I don’t really get…

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4 years ago

Honey, I Shrunk the World!

The master plan called for selling the family home once the last kid was out of high school and off to college. We’d both be over 60 and ready for the next chapter…

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4 years ago

8 Suitcases to My Name: My Extreme Downsizing Experience and What it Taught Me

I never expected to cry over a lost suitcase, but, this is exactly what I did when the airline told me that one of my 8 suitcases had gone missing. Now, this may sound like…

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4 years ago

Do You Think of Thrifting as a Spiritual Practice? I Sure Do – and Here’s Why!

I consider myself a world class thrifter. I’m very proud of that credential. If I’m traveling and I have a little time, I head right to the local thrift store (there’s an app for that)…

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