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Downsizing Your Life

Are you thinking about downsizing in retirement? Or, have you perhaps already experienced the benefits of downsizing your life. Not so long ago, I reduced my possessions to 200 items and I have never felt better! You can too.

2 years ago

How Nature Can Make Life More Enjoyable After 60

Ahh, spring! The days get longer, the frogs are singing their songs in the evening. The first sprouts bring hope and inspiration and show the power of hope and perseverance. The growth continues. The grasses get taller…

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2 years ago

How Real Freedom Lies in Knowing When to Say, “I’ve Had Enough”

You push away from the dinner table because you’ve had enough to eat, averting obesity and health problems. You have a lovely glass of wine instead of too many, because you know one is enough…

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2 years ago

Looking for a Roommate After 60? Don’t Forget to Talk About Money!

We all know that money is that last taboo topic, causing more embarrassment, secrecy and shame than even conversations about sex. So, if you’re making plans to live with a roommate, it’s a good idea to acknowledge that fact up front and make a commitment to tackle the subject openly…

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2 years ago

Downsizing After Retirement: House, Apartment or Retirement Community?

So now you’re retired: Kids are out of the house. Alarm clocks are quiet. Schedule is free. You might be walking around your home thinking, “Gosh, we have a lot of space.” Retirement is a new chapter in life, and many see it as a chance to try something…

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2 years ago

Recycling, Reusing, Expanding – Beyond Paper, Plastic and Glass

Recycling and reuse have been a part of our lives for as long as I can remember, but particularly since the 1990s when the recycling of some combination of paper, plastic…

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2 years ago

Is It Downsizing or Tossing Out Tender Memories?

I was a clever gatherer of things. Mostly paper. In neat piles. Inside of drawers. Resting innocuously on shelves. Tucked into boxes that lurked in the shadowy recesses of my garage…

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2 years ago

Living with Roommates in Retirement – The Golden Girls Were Right!

Many of us share common fears as we enter retirement. We fear financial challenges, failing health and feelings of disconnectedness as we grow older. The good news is that there is one strategy which can help us effectively face all three – living with roommates…

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2 years ago

What Is Your Clutter Legacy? And Why That Matters

Our friend Coral is a sailing fanatic. A few months ago, the yacht she was on encountered stormy weather. The boat tipped at alarming angles as wave upon wave crashed over them. There was nothing to do but hang on and pray…

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2 years ago

5 Simple Ways to Make a Positive Impact on the Planet

“I’m in my late 60s; too old to make a difference!” I hear this all the time from friends as the reason for ignoring the changes taking place in our evolving world. “The media is full of climate change news, green-house gases, and how our garbage footprint…

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2 years ago

Real Estate Auction, Anyone?

Have you ever been to a real estate auction? It is really a lot of fun! Real estate auctions take place all around us every day of the week, yet I’m always amazed at how many people have never attended one or are simply afraid to buy real estate…

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