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Divorce After 60

Even if your marriage isn't working, going through a divorce after 60 is devastating. Let's talk about recovering from a divorce, dating after divorce and other related topics.

5 years ago

Are Gray Divorces Becoming Too Trendy?

There has been much research done on the baby boomer population over the last several years. We do not need to wonder why. Until the Millennials were born, our generation was the largest…

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5 years ago

When Divorce Strikes After 50: Here’s How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex

As a divorce coach for fabulous women 50 and better, one of the most common refrain I hear from clients has to do with their ex – especially during the holiday season. Read More

6 years ago

Dating After Divorce: Practical Advice for Older Women (Video)

Unlike in previous generations, dating after a divorce is an accepted option for women over 60. Read More

6 years ago

3 Fatal Financial Mistakes that Women Make During a Divorce After 60

You spend your entire life planning for the future. You look forward to your retirement and the freedom that it will bring. But what happens if you find yourself in the middle of a divorce?  Would you know how to maneuver your finances during such a difficult and emotional time? Join us in conversation with financial expert Pam Krueger who will share three fatal financial errors that many women make during a divorce. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

Feeling Bitter After a Divorce? Here Are 3 Positive Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Situation

Getting your life back after divorce can be hard, especially when you’re over 60. There are financial issues, retirement and logistics issues that leave us feeling exhausted, wondering if we’ll ever move on and feel happy. Read More

7 years ago

Surviving a Divorce After 60? What to Do When Things Are Not Going Your Way

The New Year brings a lot of promise for women going through or recovering from divorce. Yet for some of us, there are still a lot of challenges and mixed feelings. Read More

7 years ago

3 Tips for Staying Social During and After a Divorce

During and after a divorce, it can be very difficult to maintain your connections and community. Read More

7 years ago

Getting a Divorce After 50? Get a Team!

Navigating a divorce is stressful and unpredictable. Creating or maintaining healthy habits and taking care of ourselves is vital during this uncertain time. Read More

7 years ago

5 Ways We Lose Confidence in a Divorce After 50

When you go through a divorce, it is quite possible that you will experience a crisis of confidence. I did. I wondered how I was going to deal with it all: the emotions, the financial realities, the effect that the divorce would have on my children. Was I up to it? Would I be able to do it? Read More

8 years ago

Life After a Divorce: What to Do When You’re Feeling Lost

Divorce after 50 can make you feel like everything you’ve known has been taken from you. The life you planned and your vision of the future may disappear, leaving you with a feeling of not knowing what to do or where to go from here.

But when you feel like this, don’t panic! There is merely one thing you must remember: Read More