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Divorce After 60

Even if your marriage isn't working, going through a divorce after 60 is devastating. Let's talk about recovering from a divorce, dating after divorce and other related topics.

2 years ago

Are You in the Reality Phase After Divorce?

If you’ve been reading about The Road Through Recovery after divorce, it is an easy, sensible way to pinpoint exactly where we are “stuck” or “in pain.” There are five phases within it. It is a cycle of feelings we experience in the divorce recovery process…

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2 years ago

Social Security Benefits and Divorce

Did you know that if you were married for at least 10 years, you may be able to claim Social Security benefits based on your ex-husband’s work record? This is particularly important for women who were stay-at-home moms who had a shorter work history…

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2 years ago

Rebuilding Your Wealth When Divorce Makes You Broke

On top of the emotional roller coaster of a divorce, it can also be costly. According to Nolo, the average cost of a divorce is $10.6k, which can take a substantial amount of money out of your pocket. Don’t lose hope if you’ve recently…

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2 years ago

Are You Stuck in the Remorse Phase After Divorce?

The Road Through Recovery after divorce starts with pinpointing exactly where we are “stuck” or “in pain.” There are five phases within it. It is a cycle of feelings we experience in the divorce recovery process. You may be stuck in the Rejection phase…

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2 years ago

The Art of Turning Trauma into Comedy

My annus horribilis began some time ago, right at the beginning of the year when I told my husband of 28 years that I wanted to separate. It was not a sudden decision on my part, but what surprised me, amazed me, was that it came as a total shock to my…

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2 years ago

Is Renegotiation Keeping You Stuck After Divorce?

The third phase on the Road Through Recovery after divorce is the Renegotiation Phase. In this phase you may feel desperate to alleviate the pain and willing to do almost anything to lessen it. It’s your way of trying to postpone the inevitable…

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2 years ago

Is Resentment Keeping You Stuck After Divorce?

There is a five-phase cycle to divorce recovery of feelings and emotions that you may experience after your transition through divorce. It’s called the Road Through Recovery. Some women feel “stuck” or “in pain” in one of the phases…

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2 years ago

Over 50 and Ready to Let Go of Unmet Expectations After Divorce? Here’s How to Take Action!

I have been hearing a very common refrain from divorced women over 50 as they try to move on: “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” “I’m over 50 and it’s too late to start over…”

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2 years ago

Are You “Stuck” in the Rejection Phase on the Road Through Recovery After Divorce?

When I was faced with the difficulty of creating a new, purposeful life after divorce, I tried different options, struggling to find one that would achieve my goals. As an older woman, I faced specific challenges not experienced by my younger counterparts…

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2 years ago

Struggling with Jealousy After a Divorce in Your 50s or 60s? Help Is Here!

If you divorced in your 50s or 60s, you’re familiar with that feeling. Some of us know it all too well, both during divorce and afterwards. It rears its head when one of your grown children, after spending the weekend with your ex…

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