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Divorce After 60

Even if your marriage isn't working, going through a divorce after 60 is devastating. Let's talk about recovering from a divorce, dating after divorce and other related topics.

5 months ago

Dealing with Divorce Regret After 60? Here’s What to Do!

Does this ever happen to you? There you are, going along with your day, minding your own business and it hits you. The whiny, super-annoying feeling that tells you that no matter what you did during your marriage, it just wasn’t good enough…

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5 months ago

The Ugly Truths of Spouse Abandonment After 60

The case of spouse abandonment plagues our world. In the common case, you think your decades-long marriage is fine, you even plan your retirement together – and then POOF! Your spouse, out of the blue, says these shocking words: “I’m leaving…”

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6 months ago

3 Steps to Finding Happiness After a Divorce in Your 60s

You’ve probably done something like this, too: Relying on external factors to make you happy after a decades-long marriage. This can sabotage your ability to move on and recover from divorce. Discovering happiness is not easy. But we will go nowhere…

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7 months ago

The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Divorce After 60

For months, even years, I knew that my marriage was crumbling. Yet, I lied to myself, telling myself a million things that would somehow justify the reasons why I should stay in the marriage. The main one dealt with time. If you are doing the same, embrace…

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8 months ago

Choosing Your Divorce Battles After 50

When fighting through a divorce after 50, it’s normal to feel like you are getting dragged through the mud for months – even years – wondering if frustration and stress will ever end. Even after the divorce papers have been signed, hurt feelings may remain…

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8 months ago

How Women Over 60 Can Protect Their Assets in a Divorce

In recent years, the phenomenon of older couples divorcing, commonly known as “gray divorce,” has become more prevalent than one might expect. Contrary to the traditional notion of long-lasting marriages in the later stages of life, the rate…

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8 months ago

The Divorced 50+ Doormat: 3 Ugly Truths That Probably Apply to You

It happens all the damn time and you’re probably not even aware of it. Or you are aware of it, but you’ve just accepted it as a way of life. Your boss just ‘assumes’ you’re going to work late… even though you already made plans…

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9 months ago

Post-Divorce Checklist to Help You Out

Your divorce is final! No doubt you feel like taking a break, but there is much more to do to separate your life from your ex’s. There are several financial matters you need to settle. Was there a retirement account that was split in the divorce?

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9 months ago

7 Considerations When Getting a Divorce Later in Life

Susan and David, in their 60s, had a tumultuous marriage that lasted for 40 years. They faced more than their share of challenges. Building a new business in a new country when they arrived in the US as newlyweds was one of them. While the business…

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10 months ago

Is “Divorce Month” a Real Thing?

Statistics suggest that people initiate their divorce actions in January (or February or March) either by filing for divorce, separating (moving out) or consulting with a divorce professional. Some people think “it’s a new year, it’s time for a new start…

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