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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

6 years ago

8 Important Things You Need to Know About Arranging a Funeral

Arranging a funeral is something we will likely all have to deal with at some point. The better prepared we are in advance, the easier it will be when the time comes. Here are some useful tips to help guide you. Read More

6 years ago

Exploring Both Sides of the Physician-Aided Dying Conversation

Of all the healthcare issues that spark controversy, extreme emotion and passionate advocacy, the idea of physician-assisted dying arguably tops the list. It’s not hard to understand why. Faced with the prospect of intractable pain and prolonged suffering, many people believe that…

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6 years ago

How a Pattern of Making Excuses Helps You Avoid Facing Your Real Feelings in Your 60s

What excuses actually work? The short answer is… none of them.

If you are like everybody else I know, you have found that excuses show up with monotonous regularity and come from many directions. Read More

6 years ago

How a “Running Away from Home Soirée” Feeds the Soul

I’ve been busy since my mother passed away three months ago. I have been re-orienting myself to a new status: A Parentless Adult. Read More

6 years ago

5 Positive Ways to Deal with Losing Family and Friends as You Age

People leave our lives all the time. There are so many reasons why they leave, and these losses do have an impact on us, whether or not people pass away, move away or a relationship brakes down. Read More

6 years ago

What Losing My Mom Taught Me About Life, Love and Devotion

Tuesday, New York City

The call came around noon on Tuesday. It was from my son, who was in Cincinnati for business and had stopped to see his grandmother.

“Mom,” my son beseeched, “you need to get to Ohio as fast as you can. Nana’s not doing well.” Read More

7 years ago

3 Things to Do When You’re Afraid of Losing Your Spouse

My greatest fear as the years went by was that my spouse might die first. Having had no children, the thought of my husband dying first and me being left alone in the world was something I simply couldn’t bear. Read More

7 years ago

Why Dealing with Grief is Different for Everyone

Dealing with grief is tough. When someone loses a spouse or loved one, a numb feeling sets in and they are stunned and surprised that something so horrific has occurred. Initially, they may feel literally frozen in place because essentially, they are in a state of shock. Read More

7 years ago

Moving on After a Divorce or Death… it’s Not as Different as You Think!

Judith Viorst, in her book Necessary Losses, promoted the idea that the first half of life is about acquisition and the second half is about letting go. Read More

7 years ago

How to Overcome Your Fear of Developing Alzheimer’s

When it comes to aging, while concerns about sagging skin, baggy eyes and low energy might preoccupy your thoughts, they can seem superficial when it comes to fears of developing Alzheimer’s or cognitive decline, losing your memory and developing dementia. Read More