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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

4 years ago

Nothing Similar Between Weddings and Funerals? Check Out These 3 Planning Tips!

Funerals and memorial services are the parties no one wants to plan. My niece and her fiancé took months to put together all of the elements of their wedding. This young man’s parents had the heart-wrenching task of creating a funeral in five days…

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4 years ago

7 Reasons Why Having a Good Estate Plan Can Save Your Family After You’re Gone

While death and taxes are the two certainties in life, no one ever expects their child to die before themselves. Yet life comes in different flavors. Here is a great example I always consider…

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4 years ago

Grief and Loss in the Time of Coronavirus

“Embrace your grief, for there your soul will grow.” – Carl Jung. “We all grieve in different ways. Mine is probably different from most people,” my sister explained her need for privacy to the Rabbi after our father died…

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5 years ago

How to Create and Share Your Lasting Legacy of Love

Several years ago, my friend, Arlene, finalized her estate documents. Those important papers included her legal will, revocable trust, living will, and powers of attorney for financial and medical matters…

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5 years ago

What Do You Think About the Right to Live?

A few years ago, an acquaintance of mine whom I will refer to as Margo shared with me a disturbing story. She had taken her healthy, independent 90-year-old aunt to the physician’s…

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5 years ago

4 Questions to Guide Your End of Life Planning (#2 is So Important!)

In today’s video, author and non-profit Before I Go Solutions founder Jane Duncan Rogers take a deep and compassionate look at end-of-life planning for women over 60. Read More

5 years ago

3 Pointers to What You CAN Control Around Coronavirus

All of a sudden, it seems that coronavirus has come closer much more swiftly than we thought it would. However, although we may not have any control over when, where…

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5 years ago

What Happens If You Die Before Your Elderly Parents?

Many Baby Boomers have parents living into their 80s and 90s, and often these elderly individuals are in need of support from family as they have limited resources…

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5 years ago

5 Truths the Dying Want to Tell the Living

I’m mourning my beloved sixth grade teacher, Mr. Ryshavy. In 1960, he was a young, creative, and caring instructor, and every single member of our class adored him…

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5 years ago

Planning a Funeral: 8 Things Funeral Directors Want You to Know

Let’s face it – funerals are the parties no one wants to plan. And most people only interact with funeral directors at funerals when they are appropriately solicitous, supportive and somber. Read More