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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

3 years ago

When Things Get Tough – Fight or Flight?

If you don’t remember The Jewel of the Nile, you’re too young to be reading this article. If you do remember The Jewel of the Nile, you’ll remember “When the Going Gets Tough.” Great song and Billy Ocean sounds the same today as he did then…

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3 years ago

The Trauma After a Grandchild’s Death by Suicide

My 15-year-old grandson died by suicide six weeks ago. At 3pm, six weeks ago, I was wondering how many of the delicious cookies that I’d just baked I could eat. By 5pm, my whole world had changed for ever. To say life is now difficult is a complete…

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3 years ago

The 4 Essential Restorative Yoga Poses for Pet Grief

Elvis picked me. We met in the Russian Blue cat breeder’s lounge room. The other kittens ran around, ignoring me. Elvis trotted over, paused for a quizzical look, then jumped into my lap. He purred, I petted, he curled up and slept. Smitten, I took him home…

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3 years ago

Not All Memories About Our Parents Are Worth Remembering

Should you read your parents’ letters? Are their journals and private musings cathartic or potentially devastating? I face this question right now, and it’s a big one. A while back, after moving to Eugene, Oregon this past year, I saw an article by a fellow Sixty writer…

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3 years ago

Help! My Relationship Has Been Storyboarded After a Breakup!!!

At one time I felt that Jonathan, aka Darth Vader, was the “Man of My Dreams” – my “last lover” (and exactly how many “lovers” do I wish to accumulate? Not too many is the hope…). Weird how one can believe in fairytale romance…

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3 years ago

Remembering a Loved One: 13 Beautiful Ideas to Keep Them Alive in Your Heart

Remembering a loved one is a deeply personal experience. At the same time, one of the things that is special about our community is that we can talk about difficult topics. So, today, I want to offer 13 ways to remember someone that you have lost…

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3 years ago

Activating Acceptance When All You See Is Loss

If you’re in your seventh decade of life or beyond, no doubt you have experienced some plot twists. Whether illness, divorce, death or an otherwise unexpected curve ball that life threw at you. In my conversations with hundreds of people who have lost a spouse…

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3 years ago

3 Tips on How to Talk with Someone Who Is Dying

Sylvia was becoming more and more frail. It was clear that, though in good spirits, her body was nearing the end of life. She kept having visits to the hospital and had recently had a fall which had precipitated one of these. As women 60 and over, we will often…

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3 years ago

Why Young People Are My Inspiration for Writing

Two days ago, I received a note from a reader who follows my writing on a couple of different platforms. It caught me by surprise, if for no other reason that it is so very easy, sitting here in relative isolation and still under the corner of the heavy quarantine…

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3 years ago

Go for a Green Burial: 5 Ways to Make Your Death More Eco-Friendly

As baby boomers start facing their own mortality, the idea of eco-friendly funerals is becoming more widespread. If you bicycle, recycle or just want to minimize your final carbon footprint, consider these unique eco-friendly approaches for a greener…

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