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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

3 years ago

Can We Appreciate the Value of Human Life at Any Age?

There has been so much conversation, all around the world, about the value of life once a person reaches 65. Ultimately, this begs the question: what is lacking within us that we can so casually discuss the disposability of our elders?

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3 years ago

My Not So Normal Adventures in Mental Health

When Prozac first hit the marketplace, I asked my psychotherapist if he thought it could help. “Probably not,” he said, “as it would do nothing for your core abandonment issues.” My mother committed suicide when I was nine, after years of struggling…

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3 years ago

Do Memories Make or Take Our Freedom?

Lately, my friends have been decluttering their places and spaces. Good for them! Breaking FREE from our old stuff isn’t easy but it feels great when we do. It feels like a slice of freedom. Everything from closets and garages…

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3 years ago

My Top 3 Tips for Managing Caregiver Anger

My Mom, who had been diagnosed with dementia, was leaning up against the sink in the bathroom. Her soapy hands were under running water. I was reaching around her trying to gently use a nail brush to clean under her nails…

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3 years ago

Why I Went into Therapy at Age 69

For weeks now, I had a feeling of foreboding. I felt stuck. I was burdening my friends with the same old rants. I was ruminating too much. I couldn’t forgive things from my past. I was filled with fears around the future. Could it be I needed to “talk to someone?”

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3 years ago

Head in the Sand Coping Strategy to Fight Overload

Have you ever taken a cue from the ostrich to bury your head in the sand? Today that’s exactly what I’m doing. No TV news, no phone news feed alerting me of the political scene that is such a quagmire, no discussion with others on the latest atrocity…

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3 years ago

Can Major Panic Turn Your Life in a Positive Direction? You’ll Be Surprised!

Reading today’s title, you might want to throw your wine glass at me, but I assure you, there’s a method to my madness. I found it while considering a speech that many of us have heard, or read, from Nelson Mandela, as written by Marianne Williamson in 1992…

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3 years ago

Finding Joy in Planning My Mother’s Memorial Service

My mother passed away during the pandemic. She didn’t die from Covid-19. But because she died during the height of last year’s lockdown, we could not pay proper tribute to her life in the days and weeks following her death. One year on, we are finally…

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3 years ago

Preparing for Financial Life After Your Partner Passes

Losing a spouse is one of life’s greatest challenges and an inevitability that many people will face. The ensuing grief from the trauma makes it critically important to have a clear approach towards financial decision making. Losing a spouse poses…

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3 years ago

5 Ways to Connect with a Loved One Who Has Cancer

I am a wife whose husband has cancer. I am a caregiver. I also work with people who have cancer and other life-limiting illnesses, and with their caregivers. I work with the grief that comes with caregiving and death that may follow. Every day, do you look…

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