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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

3 years ago

Keep Your Memories Safe: How Cloud Services Could Save Your Bacon in a Disaster

Half a year after the Napa and Sonoma wildfires from a couple years ago, NBC Bay Area reported on the plight of a homeowner locked in a dispute with one specific insurer. Thinking they were on to something, they partnered with Telemundo 48…

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3 years ago

Navigating Your Grief: Your Throat Chakra – Sound, Creativity, and Communication

We all have grief on some level at this stage of our lives. As we navigate the difficult, sad, and challenging journey of grief, Yoga for Living with Loss offers the perspective of how our chakras are both impacted and can relieve physical, emotional, spiritual…

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3 years ago

Why Is Feeling Stuck So Comfortable?

I want to change some habits, but then again, I don’t. I set out to change my exercise routine many times over the years. I have the best of intentions. I try getting up early, walking when the weather is nice, lifting a few weights throughout the day…

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3 years ago

Have You Started Living Your Second Life Yet?

Eugenie was telling me how wonderful she felt. This was unusual and unexpected because she was in her early 70s and had several health challenges, but on this day she told me: “Something has shifted, and it’s all because I did something…

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3 years ago

Breast Cancer and Writing: What’s the Connection?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year, I am deeply aware of my own journey, as this year marks my 20th anniversary as a breast cancer survivor. When diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) at the age of 47, I was happily raising…

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3 years ago

7 Practical Ways to Set Yourself Up for a Good Death

I never thought about death much, other than as a concept, until my husband was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. Now, as I enter my 60th year, I’m very aware of the juxtaposition of life and death. It is simply impossible to have one without the other…

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3 years ago

How Do We Know This Is the New Normal?

It has been almost a year and a half since Covid turned our lives upside down. The “new normal” has been a term tossed about often ever since this pandemic began. It is a term to make our situation seem more permanent. It helps to alleviate our anxiety…

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3 years ago

How to Cope with the Suicide of a Loved One

Although suicide isn’t a subject most of us like to talk about, the fact is that September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide is an issue that has been occupying my mind for more than five decades. It all began when I was 10 years old…

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3 years ago

Searching for Some Kind of “Normal”

I spent over a year alone in my house, connected to the world through my computer and my phone, with promises of a vaccine and dreams of “getting back to normal.” To be honest, at that point, it wasn’t really clear to me what “normal” was any more…

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3 years ago

Tips for Making the Right Decisions at Life’s Crossroads

Good physical health is most often tied to a sense of good mental and emotional wellness. However, when challenging situations and circumstances happen in life, we are provided with a crossroads which can affect both mental…

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