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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

3 years ago

Don’t Worry: You’re Probably Nothing Special

At the end of every year, when my “valversary” rolls around, I’m grateful all over again. I had open-heart surgery for a mitral valve repair in December 2014, and the gratitude for good health ever since drives me to “pay it forward.” We all know the vast time…

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3 years ago

How We Can Actively Support Someone in Grief

We are fixers by nature. If there’s a problem, we naturally want to find a solution. Our society carries that concept to an immediate solution known as pill popping. We’ve become this type of fixer for basically all problems…

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3 years ago

Painfully Blue Christmas: Acknowledging Pain This Holiday

When you hear the words Blue Christmas, you may think of the Elvis Presley Christmas Album. I’ve always thought of that ballad being directed toward a breakup. When he sings, “you’ll be doing alright with your Christmas of white…

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3 years ago

Eva Cohn’s Lessons on Resilience and Healing in Times of Hardship

If you’ve lived to reach your 60s, most likely you’re a resilient person who has been around the block a few times. Take a minute to think back to a time in your life when you faced a tragic or a traumatic experience. How did you manage to survive and move forward?

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3 years ago

Dealing with Loss After 60: Family History and Ambiguous Loss

There are two kinds of losses in this life: clear loss, such as the death of a loved one where there is a body, and ambiguous loss, where the person is there – but not there. Examples of ambiguous loss can be divorce, mental illness, dementia, addiction…

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3 years ago

The Other Covid Healthcare Crisis

There is no doubt that the Covid virus has tested humanity in many ways. It seems to be a huge wake-up call that, apparently, we all needed. It essentially forced us all to slow and then hunker down with only our nearest and dearest…

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3 years ago

Let’s Have a Go at Interpreting Dreams

I’ve written before about my recurring dreams. From the proverbial math test that you haven’t studied for – to the play you’re in where you don’t know your lines – I regularly experience some of the most common dreams in adulthood…

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3 years ago

Struggling with Overeating Because of Emotional Stressors?

Kitty, age 64, carried a shameful secret since retiring early – she had become an overeater. She had worked in Los Angeles as newspaper editor most of her adult life. Her average work weeks were 60-plus hours. She had a love-hate relationship…

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3 years ago

Losing a Loved One: Another Year, Another Empty Chair

I love Thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday of the entire year. I try to live a life filled with gratitude, and it’s special to have a day set aside for giving thanks – even though I practice it every day. This year, my estranged daughter will once again…

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3 years ago

One Woman’s Thoughts About Life’s Gains and Losses

Just as surely as the earth turns, the times change. The first blush of love turns into the apathy and pain of divorce. The miracle of birth turns into the challenge of adult children struggling in life. The career highs turn into the search for purpose…

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