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4 years ago

Skipping Across the Great Lakes on a Skip-Gen Trip

This past summer I had a marvelous trip to Prince Edward Island, Canada, planned with my 12-year-old granddaughter – which COVID totally torpedoed, of course. As I worked my way through Plans B, C, and D, all the time…

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4 years ago

Have You Lost Your Inspiration During the Pandemic?

For some people, the pandemic has been a lesson in dealing with isolation. For others, it’s offered valuable alone time for reflection. For me, the silver lining has been that even after more than six decades on this planet…

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4 years ago

How Saving During Lockdown Now Can Give You a Better Travel Experience Later

Seeing none of us has been able to travel this year, have you created a travel budget for next year? When you look at it, next year’s travel could be one of the biggest travel experiences you may have, but only if the borders are open…

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4 years ago

Shopping for Youth and Beauty Pre-Pandemic

Miami has lovely malls and one of them, the Shops at Merrick Park, is a few blocks away from my house. I could walk there if I lived in a normal “walking” city, but the reality is that in this town, much like in Los Angeles, nobody walks…

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4 years ago

How to Write A Memoir – From Free Writing to Manuscript

In this time of shelter-in-place, many of us have turned to gardening, baking, or writing to help us stay focused and grounded. I have done all of those things, but mostly I write. Writing is how I make meaning out of seemingly meaningless…

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4 years ago

How My Relationships Have Changed During the Pandemic

I woke up that fateful day in March to a panicked group of parents and co-workers. I work with kids on the autism spectrum and at 4 o’clock that morning, our county schools suddenly made the decision to close for two weeks…

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4 years ago

Pandemic Gardening: How to Grow Vegetables in Containers

Once upon a time I lived on 10 acres, and we grew all our own vegetables. Then I moved into town, where I built raised beds and grew corn, tomatoes, salad veggies, and squash. Now I am retired, and I live in a tiny house by the seaside…

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4 years ago

Socially Acceptable Weight Gain? Yup, It’s a Thing!

I stepped off the bathroom scale, looked in the mirror and thought, “Really!” That scale has been totally off the last two months, so I knew it was definitely time for me to kick it to the corner and social distance. Or maybe I should move…

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4 years ago

Eating Out – An Occasional Pleasure or a Pleasurable Occasion?

Until we all went into lockdown – the ‘before’ period that feels like another time altogether – I used to love to eat out. Although I am a moderately good cook (and my husband a willing sous-chef), there is so much to be said for it…

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4 years ago

How to Manage Pandemic Anxiety to Avoid Weight Gain and Stress

Have you been experiencing surges of anxiety pretty much daily since the pandemic started? Or maybe you’re feeling a low level buzz of stress. Your brain may be swirling with all kinds of “what ifs” that you can’t answer…

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