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4 years ago

Lessons for Staying at Home in Pandemic Times

There is no escape from the reality that we are at this moment looking into the eye of the Covid storm. The limitations this invisible but ever present enemy places on our lives has made for a difficult 2020. Writing from here in the U.S…

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4 years ago

How the Internet Can Help You with Your Health

Health and the Internet. Probably not two things that you’d normally associate with each other, especially if you’re someone who doesn’t already spend a lot of time online. However, in 2020 the Internet is capable of so much…

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4 years ago

Getting Through Lockdown – Is Adapting the Key to Personal and Professional Survival?

How good are you at adapting to new situations? Unfortunately, one of the hardest skills to learn or maintain as we grow older is the ability to adjust to a changing world. And this year has really put us to the test! Whether you have had…

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4 years ago

Survival, Thrival, and Setting the Example in a Messy World

I Had a Handle on Life but It Broke, is the title of a book by fellow professional speaker Mary LoVerde out of Denver, Colorado. Thankfully, you can’t copyright titles, although I’ll always attribute. This one’s too good not to steal…

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4 years ago

How to Connect with Young Grandchildren During the Covid Winter

As winter looms, many of us who’ve been able to socially distance with grandchildren outside are now grieving for the near future when the weather will prevent even that abbreviated interaction with our beloved progeny…

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4 years ago

No Choice – We Must Keep Going!

Life has been extremely challenging. Along with everyday stresses, Covid has put many people over the top during 2020. Disturbingly, no end to this pandemic seems to be in sight. Vaccines are not far off, yet the numbers are on the rise…

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4 years ago

How Solo People Cope in Isolation

Learning to live in isolation is something many of us have had to do in the past few months. Some have coped better than others but for us all, it’s a challenge. Many people, women in particular, had already learned how to live…

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4 years ago

How to Overcome Boomer Hearing Challenges in a Masked World

Many baby boomers have some degree of hearing loss. In fact, by the time we reach age 70, about 70 percent of us will suffer a decline in our hearing acuity. And by 2030, some 50 million boomers are expected to have hearing loss…

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4 years ago

Taking Stock and Taking Care as a Woman After 60

Halloween dawned, or tried to, with the famous Blue Moon likely to be hidden behind some clouds. This year I spent it a long way away from where I was last year at this time, having moved myself Lock Stock and Barrel to another part of America…

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4 years ago

How to Avoid Fitting Issues When Ordering Clothing Online

This global pandemic has caused many of us to reevaluate how we do things – including shopping. We order our groceries and utilize curbside, order takeout food instead of dining in, and all forms of online shopping (including clothing)…

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