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4 years ago

Has Your Staycation Getaway Changed Much Since Covid?

The world has certainly changed since Covid first appeared back in 2020. As we all know, international travel has been off the agenda, and domestic staycations have been on the increase. Have you been able to take a staycation in your home…

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4 years ago

I’m Over 55 – Should I Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

At this stage, most of what we’re hearing is frustration about the slow pace of the vaccine rollout. But gradually, the effort is picking up steam, and we are moving toward delivering one to one and a half and possibly one day soon…

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4 years ago

How to Recapture the Fitness Level You Lost Under Quarantine

If your body has been creaky and cranky lately from too much sitting, computer time and television, you might be feeling a little wobbly. That’s natural. However, you might also have undermined some of your core strength with sedentary habits…

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4 years ago

Stay Healthy in Lockdown with Quality Food and Supplements

Most of us never dreamed we would still be as restricted as we are nearly one year after the pandemic made its appearance. But here we are… Even if you are lucky enough to have avoided contracting Covid, physical, emotional, and economic…

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4 years ago

Could Increasing Antioxidants Decrease Your Anxiety?

As many countries around the globe enter a second (or even third) phase of Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns, many of us are asking how we will cope, mentally and physically, this time around. We know that for many people…

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4 years ago

Look Forward to Stay Positive in the Present

If we turned the clock back precisely 12 months, most of us would have been as incredulous then as we are now at the dramatic turn foisted on the world. Of course, we’re still living in uncertain times. While some of us are enjoying the independence…

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4 years ago

One Traveler’s Experience of Finding Joy in Isolation

When the pandemic first hit the U.S. in 2020, like so many others, I wondered how I would cope. Would this be a devastating hardship, or could it be an opportunity to look at life in a different way? There were so many unknowns that business…

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4 years ago

Another Reason to Add Vitamin D to your Health Arsenal

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” since our bodies naturally produce it when we are exposed to sunlight. It is pretty amazing for its wide variety of health benefits. These include supporting healthy teeth and bones, helping protect us…

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4 years ago

Have You Heard of the Coronavirus Vaccine Scams? Yes, They Are Real!

The coronavirus has infected more than 22 million people in the United States, as of Jan. 10, 2021, according to a New York Times database. More than 373,000 people in the United States have died from this highly viral disease…

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4 years ago

Senior Isolation Meets Creative Solution

I fell into a mission for older people, not through caregiving as many think (that would come later) but through singing. Tired of playing in casinos and night clubs, I went into a senior community and started singing to the residents…

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