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3 years ago

Game Changers Among Meds: Birth Control Pill and Covid Vaccine

I have spent my 67 years residing in the state of Florida. I have to live with the fact my state is the punch line of late-night talk show jokes more frequently than other states. Our mythical mascot is “Florida Man” whose bizarre real-world antics personify…

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3 years ago

How we Hosted “Camp Grandma & Grandpa” During the Pandemic

The best benefit of “Camp Grandma & Grandpa” for us during last summer’s pandemic peak was precious time with our grandsons and their parents. We never shared this many weeks together with them since their own childhood… and they probably…

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3 years ago

A Tale of 2 Gretchens: Discovering Local Treasures During the Pandemic

Everyone in Michigan knows the first Gretchen, our governor Gretchen Whitmer. Love her or hate her, I don’t envy anyone in any kind of leadership role who has had to deal with all the challenges and ever-changing landscape of this pandemic…

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3 years ago

The Positives of Subtraction: Behaviors to Keep Post-Covid

We are entering a gradual post-pandemic period. Over the past year and two months, there are a number of subtractions I have made that have been positive. Going forward, I would like to hold on to the positive subtractions that came about…

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3 years ago

Is LinkedIn Helping or Hurting Caregivers in Latest Platform Update? (VIDEO)

LinkedIn is introducing features to its platform that will allow family caregivers to self-identify with titles such as “stay-at-home” mom or dad. People could also label their unemployment gaps to denote when they were on parental leave…

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3 years ago

My Very-Much-Needed, Post-Vaccination Makeover

Like most of us, I spent a year isolated indoors. At high risk for the coronavirus, I took every precaution, determined to stay alive and enjoy more good years. Over time, I learned to rely on all forms of screens – TV, social media, binging on Netflix, facetiming children…

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3 years ago

Homesharing Can Be a Financial and Social Lifeline – Here’s How to Do It Smartly Amid Covid-19

On top of upending the nation’s health system, the pandemic has had reverberating effects on where and how people live. This is particularly true among older adults, who rightfully have heightened health concerns and are reluctant to enter into – or remain in – retirement communities and assisted-living facilities where the spread of Covid-19 is […]

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4 years ago

12+ Things You Should Know About Planning a Memorial Service

Two summers ago, my cousin Elizabeth died. Her death was sudden and occurred less than two weeks after the death of her mother. But unlike her mother, who had a traditional funeral, Elizabeth’s wish was to be cremated…

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4 years ago

Marking My First Anniversary of Sheltering in Place

March 11, 2020 will be added to the collection of significant dates in my life. It will mark the first day of staying home alone protecting myself and others from the menace of Covid-19. I have written before about the trials and tribulations…

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4 years ago

Using Telehealth Services to Receive Care During COVID-19 Safely

Now more than ever, because of the unprecedented public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 disease, the health, safety, and welfare of those of us who have severe chronic medical conditions, like heart, lung, or kidney disease…

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