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5 years ago

The Importance of Virtual Volunteering in Times When We Can’t Be Physically Present

In the wake of the all-consuming Coronavirus, there is plenty of advice floating around for how to keep yourself calm and occupied at home…

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5 years ago

3 Pointers to What You CAN Control Around Coronavirus

All of a sudden, it seems that coronavirus has come closer much more swiftly than we thought it would. However, although we may not have any control over when, where…

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5 years ago

How World Crises Can Wreck Our Normal Routines for Visiting Family

Yesterday my mother called me. I live in Oklahoma, and she lives in Florida. Our regular routine is this: I fly to Florida in October to celebrate her birthday. She flies to Oklahoma in May to celebrate mine…

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5 years ago

6 Things You Should Keep in Mind as Coronavirus Travels, Too

If you’ve got plans to go on your trip of a lifetime this spring or summer, there’s no doubt news of the uninvited Coronavirus has crossed your path. As an expert in the Travel Industry…

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5 years ago

4 Ways to Keep Your Travel Life on Track While Staying Safe!

I’m a glass half full kind of person. I truly believe that in a few months the coronavirus chaos will be behind us and something else will have taken its place…

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5 years ago

Travel and Coronavirus – What You Need to Know About Your Insurance Options

With the outbreak of Coronavirus, you might be worried about your travel plans. This article’s intention is to offer some insight to assist you with the decisions you may need to make…

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