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3 years ago

Fun Hair Options for Older Women During Covid (VIDEO)

During this crazy and unpredictable time of the pandemic, it’s an understatement to say that our lives have changed in many ways – both large and small. Today I want to focus on something I thought might be a little more light-hearted…

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3 years ago

Preventing a Health Setback from Becoming a New Health Set-Point

Like so many people around the world, my husband and I battled Covid for several weeks. We’re both healthy with no pre-existing conditions except being over 65, but it was a tough couple of weeks when we both ended up with pneumonia as well…

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3 years ago

The Other Covid Healthcare Crisis

There is no doubt that the Covid virus has tested humanity in many ways. It seems to be a huge wake-up call that, apparently, we all needed. It essentially forced us all to slow and then hunker down with only our nearest and dearest…

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3 years ago

6 Tips on How to Get Back to Traveling NOW

It’s either spring or fall in your part of the world, a perfect time to get out there, stretch your legs and your imaginations again. Yes, there are changes in the way we can travel now but with some simple tips it is definitely a go…

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3 years ago

Is Covid Changing Your Relationships?

It’s been so long since I’ve had a hug that I put my hug-o-meter in the basement next to the Christmas ornaments. Maybe by the time the holidays roll around we’ll be able to safely hug someone again. If not, I may buy one of those…

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3 years ago

Searching for Some Kind of “Normal”

I spent over a year alone in my house, connected to the world through my computer and my phone, with promises of a vaccine and dreams of “getting back to normal.” To be honest, at that point, it wasn’t really clear to me what “normal” was any more…

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3 years ago

Can We Appreciate the Value of Human Life at Any Age?

There has been so much conversation, all around the world, about the value of life once a person reaches 65. Ultimately, this begs the question: what is lacking within us that we can so casually discuss the disposability of our elders?

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3 years ago

The Strange Way Covid 19 Changed My Personality

I retired from my fast-paced corporate job just as the world was shutting down due to Covid-19. All my anticipated retirement plans of time with my grandchildren, meeting up with girlfriends and family, plus travel to another country…

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3 years ago

Returning to Normal Feels Different, And Better

As of this writing, the USA is mostly open. Sports facilities and restaurants are at full capacity again and Broadway is reopening. More than 50% of the population over 12 is vaccinated and despite the contagion of the Delta variant, hospitalizations are low…

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3 years ago

How Even a Simple Getaway Can Bring a Welcome Shift

Leaving the neighborhood felt momentous. In 15 months, we’d ventured beyond our city limits once, to an AirBnB in the local mountains where we’d brought our own food, avoided almost everyone, and wandered outdoor trails…

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