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5 years ago

How to Stay Busy and Useful, While Sheltering in Place During Coronavirus Quarantine

Several counties in the San Francisco Bay Area have already announced a mandatory shelter-in-place requirement. They said all non-essential businesses would have to be closed…

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5 years ago

How Can We Tap into Resilience During Difficult Times

Resilience is the ability to adapt and overcome, rebounding from stressors and returning to a balanced state of well-being. It’s key to living a positive quality of life…

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5 years ago

Learning the Skill of Optimism in the Age Of COVID-19

Pessimism is rampant in the world today, with good reason. Our health and, for many, financial well-being, are severely at risk. Surely, there is nothing to be optimistic about…

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5 years ago

Stuck at Home? 20 Things to Do if You’re Trying to Avoid the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Over Age 60

Up until now, I’ve haven’t written too much about the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak. But, after much soul-searching, I decided that I had an obligation to help all of you to get through this difficult time…

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5 years ago

3 Ways to Reduce Your Novel Coronavirus Risk as an Older Adult (+ 2 Ideas You May Have Missed)

The more I thought about the novel coronavirus situation, the more I realized that I had a responsibility to help get the word out about the simple steps that we can take to protect ourselves. Over the next few weeks, I will be producing a series of articles and videos to help the women in our community…

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5 years ago

5 Ways You Can Use Self-Isolation to Start Your Business Now

If you’ve been contemplating starting a business, now is the perfect time. All of us are being asked to self-isolate to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We suddenly have extra time on our hands…

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5 years ago

How Technology Can Help You Find Joy in Turbulent Times

While technology can cause stress and anxiety in our lives, it also can bring us more joy. Everything around us seems to be getting more hectic and stressful. If we aren’t worried about getting the Coronavirus, it’s a volatile political climate we are immersed in…

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5 years ago

3 Fun Ways to Combat Coronavirus with Laughter

You may be in a funk because of the coronavirus, but, according to Certified Humor Therapist and Laughter for the Health of It presenter Roberta Gold…

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5 years ago

6 Evidence-Based Ways to Boost Your Immune System – So Important Right Now!

As we get older, it is particularly important that we nurture our immune systems. They help to fight bugs of all sorts, including the current COVID-19 infection…

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5 years ago

How You Can Take Advantage of Market Volatility in Times of Crisis

You’ve no doubt heard about the recent market volatility related to Coronavirus and the reaction to this unexpected pandemic. Nobody likes sitting on their hands when it feels like they should be doing something…

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