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4 years ago

The Connection Between Chronic Diseases and the Coronavirus Epidemic

By now we know that chronic diseases make the COVID-19 infection (caused by the Coronavirus) worse. It is obvious why something like asthma could complicate COVID-19…

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4 years ago

Grief and Loss in the Time of Coronavirus

“Embrace your grief, for there your soul will grow.” – Carl Jung. “We all grieve in different ways. Mine is probably different from most people,” my sister explained her need for privacy to the Rabbi after our father died…

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4 years ago

Pandemic Lessons from Joel – A Fine Young Man Who Happens to Have Down Syndrome

Our son, Joel, turned 40 last fall. He is engaged to the love of his life, Sarah. They have big plans for a wedding and for setting up house together. When that will happen is undetermined…

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4 years ago

3 Mindset Shift Strategies to Help Any Extrovert Settle in the Time of Coronavirus

I am a writer and I am an extrovert – not the usual trait combination. Most of my writer friends are introverts. When we go to a gathering of any kind, I look out into the crowd…

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4 years ago

#StayHome and Indulge Your Passion While You Have the Time and Opportunity

The top priority of the day for many of us in the Sixty and Me community is to stay safe and, from a distance, ensure our friends and family are safe, too. COVID-19 has changed life more…

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4 years ago

How Your Response to Coronavirus Can Make You a Better Person

The Coronavirus has changed all our lives. Whether this means canceling a trip, traveling less, working from home, or not visiting family members, its effect is profound…

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5 years ago

A Good Defense Is a Boomer’s Best Offense for Fighting Viruses

I must admit that when I first heard “older people” were at much greater risk if infected with the novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), my first thought was, “Well, they are not talking about me…

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5 years ago

How to Go from Panic to Peace in the Face of a Global Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of our lack of control. We can’t control a virus spreading throughout the globe, or its many implications, and we can’t control other people…

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5 years ago

How Exercise Can Help Lift Our Mood at Difficult Times

Are you feeling anxious or worried some of the time? Are you struggling with personal challenges or everything that’s going on in the world around us? Are you looking for ways to help cope at this difficult time?

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5 years ago

Buy, Sell, or Hold When the World Is in a Crisis?

This seems to be the question of the day from most anyone who has an investment portfolio and has watched it cave during the past month. Here are five thoughts and ideas to consider for managing…

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