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4 years ago

Mother Nature Here We Come – Seniors Who Simply Want to Live

Do you remember birds singing loudly and persistently at the beginning of the pandemic when traffic disappeared from the streets and skies? At the time, I wondered if I were hearing birdsong that would normally have been…

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4 years ago

Covid-19 Phase Two: What Do We Do Now?

A couple of days ago I was at the computer when I heard a knock at the window. I looked out and saw it was my daughter, her partner, and my three month old grandson, Anteo, at the door surprising us. The three had driven up…

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4 years ago

Do You Remember the Old-Fashioned Visit?

I don’t know about you, but I found that among my friends, the default position for getting together was always going out to a restaurant for lunch or dinner and sometimes even for breakfast. When two of us women finally hit upon a mutually…

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4 years ago

Travel Restrictions Will Lift – Where Are You Going First?

If you love to travel, it’s quite likely that you have had plans affected by the pandemic. If you’d been dreaming of a particular trip, you’re probably kicking yourself for waiting. Yet as restrictions start to relax, it’s hard to balance the desire to travel…

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4 years ago

9 Original Dating Ideas for Covid Times

The old “Would you like to go out for dinner?” isn’t appropriate these days, but don’t give up. Especially if you talked or “met” on a dating site before Covid but didn’t have a chance to get together. The important thing is, he’s nice…

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4 years ago

Sheltering-in-Place: When Mayonnaise Was the Only Reason to Leave the House

Sheltering-in-place. Could have been the perfect Zen experience. Sitting underneath the shade of a Bodhi tree in perfect lotus position. Floating above the ground in a meditative state. The cool brush of saffron robes against my skin…

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4 years ago

Are You a Frankie or a Grace? A Signature Style Can Speak a Lot About Your Personality

The stay-at-home order and social unrest has made all of us a little wacky… and turned a lot of us slightly feral. (I took a scissors to my own hair this past week… that’s why you won’t see any current photos of me!) One important escape…

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4 years ago

Six Degrees of Separation Is Now Extinct

Staying six feet apart from friends and relatives has given a whole new meaning to the term “six degrees of separation,” popularized in connection with actor Kevin Bacon. It suggested that any actor could be connected with Bacon…

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4 years ago

Spice Up Your Life During Isolation: Recreate Holiday Memories Through Food!

How have you managed with food shopping and cooking during lockdown? Have you resorted to churning out the same old comfort food, or have you been slightly more adventurous? Many like the idea of emerging from lockdown…

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4 years ago

6 Reasons to Love Face Masks – Besides the Obvious

There’s nothing like a pandemic to show the cracks in the veneer. Where things can break down. What does not work. And yet I am the eternal optimist. I like to find that silver lining. The lesson, the takeaway, the surprise…

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