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11 months ago

How a Reverse Bucket List Can Reboot and Reignite Your Life and Your Career

One of the most talked about subjects of our time and at this stage of our lives, is how to successfully navigate uncertain times so we can not only survive, but thrive in life. In Bruce Feiler’s book, Life Is in the Transitions, he refers to times…

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2 years ago

7 Ways to Foster Honest Conversation in Troubling Times

We’re programmed to face chin up and cheerful into whatever life brings. The etiquette of our upbringing in the 50s and 60s warned that people don’t want to hear our problems, only to exchange pleasantries and move along…

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2 years ago

Different Kinds of Friends and What They Mean to Us

Almost everybody has friends. It is part of life to have them. Some of us have loads and some have very few, but we all feel that they are important in our lives. And we all know who our friends are. They are people who are not our family…

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2 years ago

A Life-Transforming Question: What Will I Be Brave About Today?

Nothing seemed to be going right. My Internet gave up in the middle of a Zoom meeting, my dog – a rescue mutt still learning the house rules – peed on a freshly washed towel hanging over a chair, and the work gig I was so confident…

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2 years ago

6 Tips for Cooking Deliciously in Small Servings

While restaurants have adapted and re-adapted to the “new” safety standards, many people still choose to cook at home, leaving us faced with how to make nutritious, creative, and inviting meals for one or two people…

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2 years ago

Why Rebounding Is the Perfect Exercise in Tough Times

As a psychotherapist of 30 years, I’ve accumulated a toolbox of mood boosters and self-care skills that are tried and true. And they have come in handy since the pandemic started! My general philosophy, both clinically and in life…

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2 years ago

3 Steps to Maintaining Youthful, Beautiful Skin

Everyone would love to have gorgeous, flawless skin, but what is the secret to success? For much of the past couple of years, we have been covering half of our face. We’ve suffered maskne, indentations, and half facial tans…

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3 years ago

Extra Pandemic Pounds? 2 Steps to Shed Them

I am all about creating new habits by making small changes, one at a time. If you have been reading my articles for a while, this will not surprise you. We must realize, however, that this effective way of developing new actions works for creating…

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3 years ago

How to Stay Fresh in Your Encore Career

There’s an old expression that seasoned college professors like to invoke about teaching: “The first year you get it wrong. The second year you fix it. And the third year you’re bored.” As I settle into my third year running my…

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3 years ago

3 Tips for Staying Positive Despite the Restrictions

I want to share three quick tips with you to help you stay positive over the coming months. Whether you are in lockdown, concerned about the possibility of future restrictions, or just missing family or friends that you can’t see in person…

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