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Community Wisdom

Do you have questions for the women in our community about how to get more from life after 60? This is the place to ask!

8 years ago

What Makes for the Best Cruise, Other Than Price?

I’ll admit that, when it comes to finding the best cruise, price is probably the first thing that most of us look at. This is completely natural. After all, if you don’t have the money to set foot on a luxury ship, what’s the point in researching the quality of its spa or the depth of its itinerary? Read More

8 years ago

What’s the Point of Getting Older?

When we are younger, our birthdays are milestones for largely superficial reasons. Maybe we look forward to turning 21 so that we can, officially, go out drinking with our friends. Perhaps we fear turning 30… or 40… or 50 because of the new wrinkles that each decade brings. Read More

8 years ago

Who Sells the Best Shoes for Older Women?

Trust me when I say that no-one knows how difficult it is to find fashionable, safe and comfortable shoes for older women more than I do. Most of the time, I feel like I have two right feet. Read More

8 years ago

Does Life Get Better with Age? Or, Does it Get Worse?

Aging has a pretty bad name. Hollywood portrays older people as forgetful, grumpy and weak. Cosmetics companies tell us that aging is something to be fought. Many companies discriminate against older employees. Read More

8 years ago

What’s on Your Happiness List?

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to forget all of the positive things in your life and focus on the negative? Why is it that our worries spin in our heads, while thinking about what we are grateful for requires conscious effort? Read More

8 years ago

Surprising Retirement Advice from 20 Amazing Older Women

I just love hearing your retirement advice. There seems to be a consensus among the women in our community that retirement isn’t what it used to be. Retirement isn’t just about leaving our jobs – it is about following our passions. It isn’t necessarily about “aging gracefully” – it’s about picking our own “-ly” word. Read More

9 years ago

These Older Women Have Some Advice for their Younger Sisters… Do You Agree?

Being a woman has never been easy. At the same time, it does feel like the pressure to be the “perfect woman” is only increasing. With every generation, women are increasingly being expected to do it all. Read More

9 years ago

Are You Caring for an Aging Parent? What Advice Would You Give Us?

As many women in the Sixty and Me community know, caring for an aging parent is a difficult, often emotional process. While some of us are lucky enough to have parents that stay healthy and mobile, others are not so fortunate. Read More

9 years ago

What is the Best Book that You Have Read Recently?

Like many women in our community, I am always looking for good book recommendations. I love books that make me look at the world differently. Read More

9 years ago

Advice for Reinventing Yourself After 60 from Women Just Like You

When you think about the term “reinventing yourself,” you probably imagine people who made big changes in their lives. You may know people who quit their jobs to start their own businesses. Or, perhaps you remember news stories about sky-diving 90-year-olds or weight-lifters in their 70s. Read More