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Brain Health

Nothing is more important to health aging than brain health. Fortunately, there is plenty that we can do to keep our minds sharp. From brain foods to exercise, we can help you to give your brain the love it deserves.

1 year ago

Your Memory Is Better Than You Think (Part Two)

Sometimes our worries will take us to the worst place. Even though such worries may be based on assumptions that don’t hold up when we look at them closely. I started this discussion in my most recent post, Your Memory Иs Better Than You Think, Part One…

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1 year ago

Does Having a More Beautiful Brain Require Us to Go on Another Diet?

I have to admit I have been on a ton of diets in my life and unsuccessful with every single one of them. You name it; I have tried it …and failed. In the past, my dieting was always with the purpose of improving my looks. I just kept searching for the next…

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1 year ago

6 Steps to Better Brain Health

People become increasingly susceptible to dementia as they age. The WHO points out that population aging creates more and more cases of dementia for the health system to treat. Coping with the extra work and expense of caring…

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1 year ago

Can We Transform Our Brains? (By Coming to Our SENSES)

Exercise can transform your brain. Have you ever considered this before? And exercise has also been shown to stave off signs of early dementia and other neurological conditions. It sounds like miracle medicine for the mind, doesn’t it? That’s because it is!

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1 year ago

Rediscovering the Joy of Dance

We all know how important it is to keep active in our later years. It’s the catch-all remedy for any ailment you can think of, along with quitting smoking and eating healthily. And, of course, it is true: the older you get the more the muscles are prone…

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1 year ago

How Sharing Stories Boosts Your Brain, Especially After 60

When we hear stories, our brains sync and minds meld. We tend to think, “What’s in it for me?” so here’s some information you may find helpful. When you read or listen to facts, or watch a PowerPoint presentation, the language processing parts of your brain…

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1 year ago

Your Memory Is Better Than You Think (Part One)

We all have senior moments, don’t we? Or do we? We all have moments when we are not as sharp as we need to be. Or times when we have trouble remembering an actor’s name or a detail from a recent event. And some seniors may notice…

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1 year ago

Are You in Need of a Brain Makeover?

Have you been finding it harder to focus these days? Is your memory slipping? Remembering names and dates has become a challenge; your brain is experiencing more fog? As one of my friends once described it, “I feel like I am losing my edge…

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1 year ago

Brain Health and Aging: How Are They Related? (VIDEO)

The brain is a fascinating and mysterious part of the human anatomy. There is still much we don’t know about how the brain functions in its many varied ways. We lose brain cells as we age, and the dilemma of dementia and Alzheimer’s is increasing, worldwide…

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2 years ago

Boosting Brain Health Is Pro-Aging

As we age, changes continue happening throughout the body, and the brain is no exception. Most people experience a little bit of forgetfulness as they age, especially in their 60s and 70s. Changes within the brain may result in potential impacts…

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