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9 years ago

No Such Thing as the Rainy Day Blues? New Study Says Weather Doesn’t Matter

I love the sunshine. There is something about basking in the warmth of summer – wearing sunscreen of course – that makes me feel deeply happy. Or does it?

After reading a new study from the University of Westminster, I’m beginning to question whether the idea that the weather affects my mood is all in my head. Read More

9 years ago

Older Workers Having a Tough Time Getting Their Groove Back, AARP Survey Says

The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, was hard on older workers. In the years following the financial crisis, people from all walks of life struggled to find work – and those lucky enough to have savings found them greatly depleted. The good news is that, on paper, the economy is on the mend. Read More

9 years ago

Life After 60 is Reflected in Your Smile

Do people smile because they are happy? Or, are people happy because they smile? These questions get to the heart of life after 60. Of course, both statements are true. Smiles are a reflection of how we feel. But, at the same time, happiness requires conscious effort. Read More

9 years ago

Happiness is Listening to Helen Mirren Talk After Inhaling Helium

You probably know by now that laughter is good for you. For starters, according to the Mayo Clinic, laughter is an immediate stress-reliever. Over the long-term, it may even help to boost your immune system and increase your sense of personal satisfaction. In addition, as I just wrote about, laughter may also be one of the keys to building trusting relationships. Read More

10 years ago

5 Secrets to Finding Happiness After 60, According to Science

Finding happiness after 60 can be tough. Many of us are struggling to save enough for retirement. Others are dealing with changing social circumstances or a divorce. All of us are discovering that staying in great shape isn’t as easy as it used to be. That’s the bad news. Read More

10 years ago

What is Friendship? Are We Thinking About it All Wrong?

What is friendship? It’s a harder question than you think. When you think about the phrase “making friends,” what images come into your mind? Read More

10 years ago

Older Entrepreneurs Are the New Normal – But, the World Still Doesn’t Know it!

If you think about the word “entrepreneur,” what image springs to mind? Maybe you thought of the actor who played Marc Zuckerberg in the film, “The Social Network”. Or, perhaps you imagined Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or another young technology genius, who started a technology empire from his or her basement. You probably didn’t think of a retired 57-year old tax consultant from St. Louis. If so, your instinct was way off. Read More

10 years ago

We Need a New Way of Looking at the Aging Process – Pope Francis

It’s always been fascinating to me how society has a tendency to treat one of its greatest assets, older people, as a liability. Why do we fear the aging process so much? Think about it for a second. We spend our entire lives acquiring skills, having experiences and, hopefully, finding wisdom. Read More

10 years ago

When it Comes to Ageism in Hollywood, Society is to Blame, Says Antonio Banderas

Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? That’s the crux of the question raised by Antonio Banderas’ recent comments on ageism in Hollywood. Read More

10 years ago

Do Different Tastes Make for a Happy Boomer Couple?

The other day, I heard a comedienne tell a story about an experience that she had flying Delta, in coach. She said that the flight attendant walked through the aisle and asked if anyone wanted to read The Wall Street Journal. She remarked: “If I was the kind of person who read that paper, I’d be up front instead of back here!” Read More