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3 years ago

Fly Into Spring with These 6 Books

Our world is opening, and people are traveling again. Some may choose to hop on a plane, train, or bus and explore new territory. Others might decide to stay home, pour a cup of tea, and plop on the couch. Because, whether we want to visit…

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3 years ago

Honoring Women Writers During Women’s History Month

March signifies Women’s History Month, and, each year, the National Women’s History Alliance chooses a different theme. This year’s is “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.” According to the Alliance, this is a tribute to the ceaseless…

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3 years ago

6 Novels to Pique Your Curiosity

Many pooh-pooh fiction. But I beg to differ. While I do enjoy the occasional light, fluffy read, I tend to gravitate toward fiction where history and information intertwine with an entertaining story. A beloved college professor once said to me…

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3 years ago

Paying Homage to the First Known Writer, Enheduanna of Akkad

Once again, I ended the year by putting thoughts on paper, considering that the many books and articles I have read provided excellent storytelling, gave helpful information on health and wellness, or simply supplied poetic verses that pleased my soul…

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3 years ago

Five Books to Kick Off 2022

Many of my friends make book-reading resolutions each year. They might set up a personal Reading Challenge on Goodreads, a free book recommendation site. Bookworms decide how many books they’d like to read in the next 365…

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3 years ago

Are Your Cookbooks Like Candy?

What do you think about your cookbook collection? Do you love it? How often do you use your cookbooks? Or are they just for show, taking up valuable space on your kitchen shelves? Here’s how I think of my cookbooks… they’re like candy…

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3 years ago

My Favourite Books Of 2022

As a writer, I am a constant reader… even though all my posts so far have been TV and female icon forward. To balance that, here are three books that will transport and delight you – as all the best ones do. In a slow reading year – only two books a week…

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3 years ago

Make Giving a Year-Round Tradition with Your Grandchildren

By the time you are reading this article, most of your holiday preparations will be done. As we enjoy our families and friends, our gifts, our comfortable homes, and delicious feasts, we are reminded that others cannot afford these things…

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3 years ago

Books for Everyone on Your Holiday List

Don’t most of us love to receive books? How much fun is it to unwrap a cookbook we wouldn’t think of buying for ourselves? Or flip through the novel we’ve heard so much about? Or snuggle with a grandchild as we share a picture book?

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3 years ago

4 Books for Lazy Autumn Nights (VIDEO)

In a recent conversation, a friend raved about a movie she’d seen. “I laughed the whole way through. You will love it,” she said. But I didn’t. The experience was like reading the list of Academy Award nominations, rushing to watch an acclaimed movie…

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