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1 year ago

5 Best Audiobook Apps

Have you become an audiobook lover? Audiobooks are gaining popularity among people of all ages for various reasons. To enjoy audiobooks on your devices, you’ll need an audiobook app or platform…

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1 year ago

6 Novels to Read This Summer

According to research, our brains can’t concentrate on two things at once. When we’re cooking a meal or knitting a blanket or building a birdhouse, we can’t worry at the same time. When we’re immersed in a good book, we can’t also be fretting…

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1 year ago

Would You Join a Book Club of Health Enthusiasts?

Are you a book lover who enjoys reading about good ideas for living a long and healthy life? There are so many of us out here, tucked in with our books and a cup of tea or a glass of wine, all by ourselves. What if there was a place to talk…

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1 year ago

Short Book Reviews: New Worlds at Your Fingertips

In March, I was honored to moderate a panel of memoir writers at the Tucson Festival of Books. Meeting and interacting with these authors was memorable. Adiba is as funny and direct as her book. Asked by an audience member…

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1 year ago

Why Reading Aloud to Your Grandchildren Is a Special Gift

As a grandparent, you are in a unique position to enrich, enhance, and positively influence your grandchildren’s lives. One way to do this is often overlooked or undersold – reading aloud with your grandchildren. Books are convenient…

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1 year ago

Do You Need a Way to Escape? Try These 6 Books

Thank goodness for books. It’s been a difficult past few weeks in my city. An armed woman stormed into a school, killing innocent children and teachers. Our community continues to cry, grieve, and rage for the lives of families and schoolkids changed forever…

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1 year ago

Honoring Pablo Neruda During National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, and this year I’d like to honor one of my favorite poets, Pablo Neruda. About 20 years ago, a friend gifted me a copy of Neruda: Selected Poems. My friend was bilingual in English and Spanish and like many of Neruda’s…

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1 year ago

We Can Make Time to Read to Children Because We Care

In this short series of articles for Sixty and Me, we looked at the issue of children moving away from books and also explored 20 ways to get them started – or to help them continue – their reading journey. Whether you have grandchildren…

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2 years ago

20 Ways to Influence a Child’s Love of Reading

In my previous article, I wrote about the lack of reading habits – and lack of love toward reading – in the younger generations. Our grandchildren don’t seem to have a healthy exposure and/or regard toward books which, in turn, inhibits the development of their critical thinking capabilities. Naturally, the whole society will suffer in future years.

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2 years ago

The Love of Reading Is on Life Support – Can We Save It?

One day, while visiting one of our grandchildren, an 8-year-old, I stepped out the back door to locate her. She was perched snuggly up in an oak tree, reading; as if that’s where everyone might choose to spend their afternoon…

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