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If you are looking for amazing book recommendations from other women over 60, you've come to the right place. Find new books to read and participate in fascinating discussions.

11 months ago

These 5 Nonfiction Books Answer Many Health Questions

I am excited to share my thoughts about each of my current must read nonfiction books. Yes, you read that right – I am excited about nonfiction books. I think we are living in a fascinating time where scientific research is helping humans…

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11 months ago

From Page to Place – 10 Literary Landmarks to Visit for Women over 50

Many classic novels are set against the backdrop of real-world landmarks, and visiting these places can bring those beloved stories to life. Here are 10 literary landmarks that should be on the bucket list of every classic book lover…

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11 months ago

How to Explore Diverse Holiday Traditions with Your Grandchildren

The holiday season is upon us. Of course, thoughts go to food, gatherings with family and friends, giving, and gratitude. But it is also a time when we share stories – holiday stories, family stories, and just plain good stories. However, we often share…

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12 months ago

End of Summer Book Reviews 2023

So many good books passed through my hands in the last month. Of all, Viktor Frankl’s focus on finding the meaning in your life still resonates. As a result, I was discussing with a friend the meaning of corporal works of mercy (Catholic) and mitzvahs (Jewish) in our lives…

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1 year ago

How Reading Books Can Wake Up Your Brain After 60

Are you one of those people who, no matter how much you are enjoying it, simply cannot wait to finish the book you are reading when another interesting title catches your eye? Me too. Unfortunately, a busy schedule limits my dedicated reading time…

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1 year ago

Be Still My Eating Heart. How One Special Dessert Changed Everything

After a lifetime of being – uh – well-insulated, I lost 55 pounds in my early 40s and have kept the pounds off for 17 years as I write. I’m currently 59. (I know you’re wondering, so, yes, I carried twins and am 10 years past meno.) When friends ask…

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1 year ago

Do You Think Novels Can Be Informative Too?

Welcome – almost – to fall in my part of the world! Recently, I chatted with a woman over lunch at a café. Our conversation steered to books. “I only read non-fiction,” she said to me. “I want a book that’s thought-provoking…

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1 year ago

A List of Vacation Book Reviews

Summer reads – what a joy to curl up with a hefty book and let the hours spin. I’m off to Spring Green, WI for a family and theater (American Players Theater) holiday. My selected book for the trip is so long it must be on Kindle! I’ve never enjoyed “beach reads”…

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1 year ago

Summer Books to Dive Into

It is hot, hot, hot where most of us live. Pour a tall glass of lemonade. Retreat into the air conditioning or under a shady tree or to a porch with a swirling ceiling fan. And then disappear to Chicago or Fire Island or London or Africa…

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1 year ago

What’s on Your Pile of Summer Reads?

Let our summer readfest begin! Though it may be a while before I come up for air again. I’m in the midst of reading three 500 – 700+ page books! Almost finished with Franzen’s Crossroads. Next will be Verghese’s new book (see below)…

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