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Benefits of Owning a Pet

For many women in the community, the benefits of owning a pet after 60 outweigh the costs. Find out how owning a cat or a dog could help you to get in better shape, make friends and even live longer.

7 years ago

Dogs for Seniors: 5 Questions to Ask Before You Get a New Best Friend

Does the thought of cuddling up with a blanket, a good book and a sweet pup snuggled at your feet simply warm your heart? Me too!

There’s nothing better than having the best companion dog by your side. It’s a fantastic idea! Read More

8 years ago

Cats vs. Dogs – What’s the Best Pet for Seniors?

By now, it’s pretty clear that the evidence shows that having a pet is a great idea for many seniors.

Beyond the “soft” benefits of owning a pet – like unconditional love and emotional support – animals can be great for your health. For example, according to this study, owning a pet may significantly reduce your chances of developing heart disease. Read More

9 years ago

What Are the Benefits of Owning a Dog After 60?

As many of us have learned the hard way, life after 60 can be a bit lonely. This is especially true if, like me, you have made the choice to live by yourself. Read More

9 years ago

This Retirement Home for Dogs Will Renew Your Faith in Humanity

I’ve always been an animal lover. For most of my life, my family has had dogs, cats, mice and an assortment of other creatures, common and exotic. Now, as a single woman in her 60s, I often consider getting a new dog. I imagine playing with her in the park. Read More

10 years ago

What Are the Benefits of Having a Pet After 60? You Might be Surprised

Pets touch us in ways that no person can. We go through dog and cat phases when we are younger, but, there are many reasons to consider getting a pet in your 60s too. Animals calm you, focus you and give you something to be responsible for. They keep you busy, active and energized. They can improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being… and they may just help you to find the man of your dreams (no, really!) Here a few of the surprising benefits of having a pet at this stage in your life.

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