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Being Grateful

Being grateful is one of the keys to finding positivity and happiness at any age. We all know this instinctually. But, how can we increase our gratitude? This is the question that we will answer in this section.

4 years ago

Embrace the 5 Love Languages and Stop Taking Things for Granted in Your 60s

It is so easy to take things for granted – the ground under our feet, waking up in the morning to a new day and, far too often, our relationships. It is so easy to be critical or to notice what is missing or makes us crazy about our partner, parents, children, friends or coworkers. Read More

4 years ago

5 Gratitude Practices to Help You Get Through Tough Times

I’m struggling with a bit of low grade depression these days. A combination of everything that’s going on in the world, a friendship that ended, some good old-fashioned family drama, a sense of feeling misunderstood…

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4 years ago

Why Cultivating Gratitude Is a Reset Button for Positivity After 60

The rice paddies that stretch out from the house are flooded now, reflecting the sky with big puff-ball clouds that turn pink, then orange, then white as the morning sun rises. Read More

5 years ago

How to Give and Receive Gifts Graciously During the Holidays

With Christmas approaching, presents, trees, decorations and even the gorgeous lights in the different towns we visit sometimes seems a little pointless. So many other people are doing the same thing! It’s almost overload. Read More

5 years ago

Why Gratitude Is Essential When Facing Tough Times at Any Age

I know it sounds completely counter-intuitive, even paradoxical. Giving gratitude during tough times. How nonsensical, not to mention challenging, is that?

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5 years ago

50 Women Over 50 Express their Gratitude on Thanksgiving Day

Every year on Thanksgiving Day someone will ask you what you are grateful for. This is fitting. At its heart, Thanksgiving is a holiday about celebrating life. It is about remembering the things that are truly important and cherishing the special people in our lives…

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5 years ago

Thanks for the Journey! Learning to Love Your Body in Your 60s

Are you learning to love your body? Do you really appreciate your body now that you are in your 60s? This are the questions posed in a beautiful article written by one of our Sixty and Me bloggers, Elizabeth Dunkel.

In it, she says that her body has “Walked everywhere, run on beaches, hiked on mountains, skied and skated. It has walked cities, strolled through museums and sat in cathedrals and concerts around the world.” Read More

5 years ago

6 Ways We Can Use Random Acts of Kindness to Help Others and Heal Ourselves

There is something about a random act of kindness that feeds us as much as it feeds the recipient.

Remember the movie, “Pay It Forward?” In it a young boy wonders how it would be if he did something nice for three people and asked those three people to do something nice for three more people? Pretty soon thousands of people were doing nice thing for other people by paying it forward. Read More

6 years ago

The Power of Being Grateful for the Small Things

Every morning, I have a strange habit. As I am taking a shower, I think about the miracle of modern life. As the water rushes over my body, I remind myself how amazing it is that we have hot water flowing into our homes. I feel grateful for the electricity that lights my home and keeps me warm. As I cook breakfast, I try to remember times when I have been hungry – and the people around the world who still are. Read More

6 years ago

Want to Be More Grateful? Do This One Thing in the Shower Every Morning

I have a pleasant ritual that I do in the shower every morning that wakes me up emotionally and helps me to feel better about my life. This ritual doesn’t involve a special type of shampoo or happiness soundtrack. It’s a trick that I do in my mind to feel more grateful. Read More